Chap 5.

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Your coach called you. It was the first time so you wondered why he was calling you then you accepted the call and put your phone at your ear. Then he started taking. « Y/N i need to talk to you for the championship. Well. I know that your relationship with Sunghoon is pretty hard but he asked me if he could sign up to the championship. I've only could approve his decision. I was wondering if you would do a performance with him even tho you relation are really tense. I called him and he accepted because he really want to participate to the championship. » He said with a serious tone. « Let me think.. » You started to think and then give him your answer. « Well, yes. I approve because it's my dream since i am little and i really want to participate to it. » You said to him then he thanked you and hang up.

After some times, you were lying on your bed and were on your phone. You were texting o/f about this thing and she was going crazy because she shipped Sunghoon and You together. She kept making some scenarios and it made you laugh. After you hang up with her you see some photos pinned to your wall with f/n. You were really mad about what she did to you two days ago. You couldn't imagine her doing that to you, betraying you and broke your heart by making out with your crush and saying « He just wanted to approach me so he dated you ». This sentence made me burned with anger. You snatched violently the photos with her and also these photos of Jake you pinned to the wall and rip them into pieces before putting them in the been. Your wall were really empty as you removed these photos but you felt also relieved that you did it so you could move on from them. Your life is going to change and without them.


It's 2 days after this event and you prepared yourself to go to school again. It was monday. The worst day ever. Your eyes were red because you cried a lot while thinking of what happened in Jake's party but actually you covered them with make up and started preparing. You put the outfit o/f made for you. You look stunning in it, it suits you so well everyone are gonna be jealous. Then you make your hair and continue your makeup and put your shoes before leaning downstairs and take something to eat before going to take the bus. You went out of your house and went on the bus, everyone is looking at you while you take a sit and two girls behind you complimented you by saying that you were very pretty and that your outfit were so beautiful. You felt really happy as they complimented you and smile before saying thank you.

After the school bus ride, you arrived to school and drop of the bus, there were a lot of people staying at the door gate of the school. You saw o/f and asked her what was going on. She said that she doesn't know and you take her hand before seeing what was happening. It was f/n with Jake, they were kissing and hugging. It made you burst of anger but you try to keep being calm then you and o/f entered the school gate with confidence, to make people look at you both because both of you were really pretty. You saw Jake staring at you and f/n burst of anger and leans to her class while Jake followed her. It made you giggle as you saw this scene and all of you are leaning to your class. Your first class was maths, Fortunately, Jake wasn't in your maths class, only in your literature class then you could listen to the teacher but you didn't remembered that Sunghoon was in this class too. When he saw you he smirked and winked at you, you rolled your eyes and leans to enter the class while Sunghoon passed next to you and whispered in your ear something like « You're so beautiful » You know he was teasing you but you blushes a bit. He didn't saw it because he entered the class before you.

You went to your place and sit, f/n pass next to you with a death stare then you look at her up and down and smirked knowing your plan had worked. Sunghoon saw this scene, he was smiling and whispering « ah this girl.. She kept impressing me day by day. » He knew you were bursting out of anger and he liked that.


It's now the lunch break, you met o/t in the cafeteria and you both take something to eat and go to a table. Then you both ate and when you finished you were leaning to the door and f/n was coming at you with anger in her eyes. « Are you trying to steal Jake from me ? he kept looking at you with this outfit. » She screamed in the cafeteria while everyone were turning to you. « Me ? stealing your bf ? I think that it is more you. You knew i loved him since 2 years but you kept being a bitch with me. I was wondering when he would break up with you seeing how pathetic and mean you are. » You said with a death stare and crack your fingers of anger and look at her right deep in her eyes and screamed too. Everyone in the room gasped as you said that. « You are so dead Y/n. » She said that and jump on you and pull your hair really violently. People were watching, shocked. Then you take her hands and pins her to a wall while your hands are making her arms being paralyzed and put her hands above her head. « Don't play at this game with me, you will lose and you know it f/n. » You said and looked at her deep in the eyes with a death stare and before going out of the cafeteria you dropped her on the floor by brush her off with your right leg.

Then you leaved everyone shocked in the room, also Sunghoon and his friends were looking at you with a shocked face. « Where did she learnt it ? » One of his friends asked. « I don't know and i don't care but she is really amazing i didn't know she was capable of doing that » Sunghoon said coldly and smirked while facing his plate again and eat with his friends as you leaves the cafeteria and o/f were shocked and amazed. « I want you to learn me how to be a baddie like that and how to defense » she said while laughing. « I will » you said and smiled at her and look at her. « I saw someone looking at you at the cafeteria, this person was smiling at you » She said while looking at you and giggle. « Don't tell me.. I know that you love making me Sunghoon and be together but it is only in your dreams ok ? I am so sure he wasn't looking at me maybe he was looking at f/n or you! » You said with a little bit of anger in your voice. « ARE YOU JEALOUS THAT HE MAYBE LOOKED AT F/N AND NOT YOU?!!! » She said and get up of the sit happily. « WAIT NO NO SHUT UP IT'S NOT TRUE I AM NOT JEALOUS » You said and looked at her with a blush on your face. Then she kept teasing you with that for the rest of the break before you two leaned to class.

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