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[the theme plays, but it's a bit spooky :3]

Edd POV:

I'll get straight to the point.

It was a nice cool night in England. Me and the guys decided to go to an arcade, including Tord. Tord was recently redeemed, and he even helped rebuild the house, and even Eduardo's. Hell, even Jon is Alive, he's just got out of the hospital.

Although before that, we got a new neighbor that same week, it was on a Wednesday, and we had invited her to join us.

[Flaaaaasssshhhh baaaaacccckkkkk]

Me and Matt were sitting outside the house, just chilling. We weren't doing much. When suddenly we saw a vacant house right across from us being accompanied by a moving truck. A woman in a dark purple and black hoodie seemed to be moving in. We saw her with a bunch of boxes, and she accidentally dropped a few.

"Hey Matt, why don't we help her out?" I said, Matt nodded. "Sure!" He says, for once he thinks about someone else. We cross the street and greet the woman who took off her hood.

"Hey! Me and my friend saw you struggling with some boxes. Need some help?" I said. She turned around, smiling awkwardly. "Oh! Sure, if you want to!" I heard her say.

Her skin was white, she had black hair that was tied into a ponytail. Her eyes were green, and she had the prettiest smile. We help her with some boxes, and we help her unpack. Shortly after we introduce ourselves after she invites us in.

"I'm Edd, this is my roommate Matt! Didn't know we'd be getting a new neighbor anytime soon." I say, rubbing the back of my head awkwardly. Matt shakes her hand. "I dig the purple and black!" He says. "Skye Andrews, just moved here from LA. And thanks! I dig the green overcoat!" She says, shaking our hands. "Los Angeles, huh? Neat! I have a roommate from Norway! His name is Tord. Really chill guy, but he's been going through a lot." I say chuckling, and not knowing how to continue the conversation considering I never really talked to many girls other than Laurel. "Norway, huh? Neat! Hope he's doing okay! How many roommates do you have if you don't mind me asking? I'm trying to make at least some friends around here." She asks, clearly interested as she grabs something out of the fridge.

"I have 3, it's just me, Matt, Tord and Tom! Tom's kinda laid back, but he can be chaotic when he wants to be." I say, as I saw her take a sip of cherry cola. My eyes glistened. "No way! You like cola too?" I ask. "Yeah! I prefer the Cherry version though, but I'm open to other options!" She smiles. "I'd love to meet the rest of your friend group some day." She smiles. I return the smile. "Hey, me and the guys were planning on going to an arcade this Friday, as a welcoming gesture, and even though we just met, would you like to tag along?" I ask, hoping she'd say yes.

"I dunno, I'd have to check my schedule. If I'm not busy I should be able to tag along! Want me to give you my number just in case?" She asks. I pull out my phone. "Sure! You okay if I add you to the group chat me and my roommates are in?" I ask. "Of course!!" She smiles. she gives us her number, and we give us hers. She stretches, and sighs. "Well, I might as well go and get some groceries before it gets too late! I'll let you know if I'm free on Friday!" She says as we walk outside. She locks the door as she fixes her ponytail. I started to notice her black piercings on her ears. She didn't have many, just two on each ear. One was a crescent moon, and the other was an amethyst gem shaped like a fang. "Anyways it was nice to meet you!" She says. "You too Skye!" Me and Matt say as she gets into her car and goes to get her groceries. We walk back inside our house as we saw the sun set.

Tord was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He sighs as he puts it away, clearly bored. As we walk in his eyes widen, looking at us as we approach him in the living room. "Hey guys! Where have you been?" Tord says, his accent never failing to make me smile. "We just met our new neighbor! She might join us Friday evening!" Matt says, clearly excited. "She?" Tord says. "Yeah! Her name is Skye, we talked to her for a bit, she's into a lot of arcades and retro stuff, and is really hoping she has the time to join!" I say, smiling. "Nice! Can't wait to meet her too!" Tord says.

Tom walks in, taking a sip from his flask. "New neighbor, you say?" He says, clearly uninterested, but I could sense he wanted to at least know her name. "Yep! Her name's Skye!" I say. "Skye, huh? That's a new name... 'She from the UK?" Tom asks. "Nope she's from Los Angeles!" Matt says. "Oh. That's new. Well at least she isn't a Norwegian college dropout with trauma." Tom says. Tord looks at him with playful shock. "Thomas!" Tord says, laughing. Tom rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I'm gonna go and draw for a bit in my room if anyone needs anything." I say. "Okay edd! I'm just gonna order something for dinner." Tord says. I nod. "Oh! I added Skye to the group chat if anyone is wondering." I say. "Oh she's in for a treat." Tord says, thinking About all the memes he's sent us. I close the door, sighing as I saw the sun set. I sit down at my desk and start drawing. My cat Ringo wakes up and sits on my lap. "Hey, Ringo." I say, scratching her neck and rubbing her ears. She mews happily. I can't wait to get to know Skye better.

[End flashback]

But that's the problem.
The night of, we waited and waited outside the mall where the arcade was located.

...she didn't show up.

I wonder if she got sick....

Or something- no, I have to stop worrying! Surely she'll just reply to a text, right?

5 texts?

15 texts?

.... 30 texts?


eddsworld: Moonlit curseWhere stories live. Discover now