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Tord POV:

It was around 6 AM when I got up, I've been having this problem of waking up randomly at night. It's really annoying. I blinked a little, realizing I was laying on my side. I flop over on my back and look at the ceiling, thinking about what happened. I should've focused on getting some rest but I felt... Restless. I couldn't shake that feeling, I also couldn't shake the feeling of hunger. So I sat up, and stretched. "Maybe there's some bacon left..." I said under my breath. I got up and opened my door, quietly making my way to the kitchen as to not wake anyone up. I opened the fridge and saw some bacon, but then thought Edd might want it more, so I closed it and fixed a bowl of cereal.

I suddenly heard someone shuffling towards the kitchen.

"Why are you up?" I heard a voice say. I look over to see tom, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He was wearing his "stay safe" t-shirt and some checkered shorts. "Eh, just a problem I have, I was hungry anyways. How about you?" I say, taking a bite of the cereal. Tom moves towards the medicine cabinet and reaches for an Advil. "I tried not to take one but... The pain isn't getting any better." Tom says as he takes one and closes the cap, putting it back into the cabinet. I look over again.

"I'm guessing the bruise is still there?" I ask, tom looked over to me, he looked... Skeptical again. "...why do you care so much?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me. "I told you I wanted to make things right again. I don't want to be enemies with you anymore!" I said. Toms eyes widen a little. He shook his head, almost as if he was snapping out of something. "...i-... I guess I'm still not used to us.... Not fighting 24/7. It's nice, I love it don't get me wrong but... It'll take some getting used to." Tom said. I sigh and nod. "Totally fine. Though, if that pain gets worse, let one of us know. Okay?" I say with a reassuring smile. Tom tries to return a smile, almost. "Whatever." He says. But as he walked away, I saw his face curve into a small smile. My eyes widened a little, almost... Gazing at him. There was so much to think about whenever I saw him.

After I eat, I begin to walk to my room when I hear the TV on slightly. I look over to see tom. "Can't sleep?" I say, walking over. "Well, I thought since we both can't sleep, why not just... Stay up and watch TV or something?" Tom says, mumbling sometimes. I nod, smiling. "Sure." I say as I sit down on the couch next to him, but at a distance as to not make him uncomfortable.

"So, insane zombie pirates from hell?" Tom asked, getting up and heading towards the dvd's. "Nah, don't worry about it. With the new smart TV we got we can just put on YouTube and maybe play some lofi or something." I said, he shrugged as. He sat back down and I changed it to YouTube. That's when I realized he sat a little closer to me. I put on some Markiplier and got a blanket that was draped over the top of the couch. I looked at tom. "Uhm.... Are you cold at all?" I ask. He looked over to the blanket. "Uhm... I guess... Why?" He asks. I drape half the blanket over his lower body, he blushes slightly. "I uhm-! Sorry i- wasn't thinking." I say, my face pink. "Really i-" I began, but tom smiled slightly and leaned on my shoulder. I froze and my blush rose. "Look. Don't tell the guys this, alright?" Tom asks, I nodded. "S-sure. Are you sure you aren't.... Drunk...?" I ask.

"Dude if I was drunk I would have been saying things I usually keep to myself." He chuckles. I smile at him. "Well, whatever "this" is, I like it." I say softly. That's when I felt tom's hand wrap around mine. His hands are warm and soft... I look over again but he's looking away. I smile.

About thirty minutes later I falls asleep on the couch with my head resting on the arm of the couch. But I felt something.... Heavy on me. I open my eyes to see tom asleep on me, snoring softly. I blush way too much, and gently got up and picked him up, walking over into his room and tucking him in. That's when he wraps his arms around me from behind, I blush again. I look behind me, he's still asleep. I sigh. "How could I pass this up..." I said softly as I got up and closed the door and got comfortable outside of the blankets, yet tom still held onto me. "Get some rest, Thomas." I say.

....that's when I got a risky idea.

I hesitate, but I softly kiss his forehead before dozing off.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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