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Edd POV:

It was getting around that time where we were about to leave for the mall where the arcade was, and Skye hasn't replied to a single text I've sent. Tord walked up to me, getting his hoodie on. "Nothing?" He asked. "No. I'm gonna call her." I say as Tord nods.

Surprisingly, she answered.

"Yeah-?" She sounded out of breath.

"Hey, are you alright? Still up for the arcade?" I ask.

"Yeah! I-ill be a little late, but I'll try to make it when I can!" She says, stuttering.

"Okay. If you need anything we can always drop by!" I say.

"I'll be fine, I should be there around 7:30. Cya." She says.

"Cya soon!" I say, hanging up.

We got into the car and drove to the mall, hoping Skye would follow sooner or later.
As we entered the mall, we paid for our arcade tickets and started playing.

After awhile, it was past 7:30. I was starting to worry about Skye. She didn't even reply to my calls this time.

I texted her one last time.

"Hey Skye. Did you get sick or something? I understand, it's totally cool but you're starting to worry us. Do you need us to drop by with some Advil, or do we need to take you to the hospital? Please get back to me soon."

And after a few hours we left.

The mall was placed right next to the woods, so as we began to walk to the car...

"It's a shame Skye couldn't come. I hope she's alright!" Matt says, tom and Tord nod.

We heard a scream. It sounded like her.

"You don't think-" Tord began, but I was already running. "EDD ARE YOU NUTS?!" tom yelled as they ran for me.

"Skye?!" I screamed her name, trying to find her.

Suddenly the screams stopped. I stopped to catch my breath underneath a tree.

"Skye...? Are you here? What happened?! Say something so I can find you!" I said, clearly worried. My heart was racing, my chest felt so tight, I was so tired. I heard nothing for about a minute. "I'm gonna go find the guys!" I said, hoping she would reply.

I ran aimlessly trying to find my friends, but no sign. "TORD! TOM! MATT!" I screamed. "Guys this isn't funny!" I yelled again.

There was silence. I stood there for a bit. I was scared, to say the least. The full moon shines on me, as it parted from the clouds slightly.

I suddenly heard a twig snap. "Tord-?" I said turning around almost immediately.


"Y-youre not Tord."

I don't know what it was. But it was towering over me. It was black, fur covering its body, it had red eyes and sharp fangs, and a huge tail. I backed away.

"Nice... Whatever you are-!" I stutter.

That's when things went to shit.

Tord POV:

Me and the others ran around, searching for Edd. "EDD!" We yelled. After a few minutes, we wanted to give up. "Maybe he's just... Pranking us-?" Tom said, sipping Smirnoff from his flask. "He ran off into the woods, tom!" I yelled at tom. "Don't pin this on me!" Tom yelled.

We heard two things. A roar and a cry of pain. Matt immediately ran off. "THIS WAY! I HEAR HIM!" Matt says as we follow suit.

When we got there, Matt was frozen. His eyes were widened like he had just been traumatized or something. His mouth was wide open, clearly scared. "Matt-?" I said. He pointed to what he was looking at.

What we saw didn't look real.

"Guys...a little help-!" Edd squeaked. He was beaten up really badly, and he was being pinned down by what looked like a pitch black werewolf... "Hold my flask." Tom says as he shoved the flask into my hands. "Tom no-!" I said, but tom ran over, ready to fight the wolf.

The wolves eyes darted over to tom as it threw tom at the tree, targeting his stomach. "LAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMEEE!" He screamed in pain as he slid down the stump of the tree. "TOM!" I screamed. Matt was too scared, so I was all that was left.

I ran over when the wolf was distracted, and tried tackling it from behind. "RUN EDD NOW!" I screamed as Edd weakly stood up, crawling to safety. The wolf backed up onto a tree, throwing me off. I slid down nearby tom. Edd wasn't near safety and Matt- oh shit he fainted-

"Edd-!" I screamed, but to no avail.

Edd reached his arm out for us...

"Guys-! Hand me-"

Before the wolf sank it's teeth into his leg. Edd screamed in pain, his arm dropping.

The wolf... Froze. It's eyes widened as it removed it's teeth from edd's leg. It stared at Edd, almost as if it regretted it's decisions...? Tom found a decent sized rock and threw it at the wolf, making it whine in pain and run off. If anything, I thought I would go back to killing us after that move. The rock then bounced onto Matt's face as he flinched awake "I DIDNT STEAL THE COLA-!" he began, before he saw the damage. He then saw Edd and gasped, rushing over to him. "EDD! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He yelled. Edd opened his eyes slightly he started to shudder. "...matt... My leg... It burns...!" He winces, growing into a slight cry of pain. Matt looked over, gasping. "Oh God, you're bleeding out! I don't have much on me, a scarf will have to do. This is gonna sting, so hold my hand okay?" Matt says as he digs through his overcoat pockets. as edd clinged onto his hand, letting matt tend to his wound.

I, on the other hand, went to check on tom. His hoodie was lifted up a bit, so it was exposing his shirt, and a bit of his stomach. I could see a purple mark, probably a bruise. He groaned in pain. "...tom? Are you alright?" I ask. "Why... Why do you care-?" He asks, raising an eyebrow and shakily looking up at me. I kneel down, reaching slightly. "I- can I take a look?" I began. He grabbed my wrist with painful force. It felt like he was gonna snap my wrist my breath hitched in pain. "NO-! DONT... DONT TOUCH IT." Tom began. He then saw the fear in my eyes as he let go of my hand. "....i-... Sorry i-..." He stuttered. Matt rushed over with Edd in his arms. "I applied a scarf to his wound, it should help until we get back home. Let's move!" Matt says. I help tom up as we all rush back to the car.

"Should we go to the ER?" Tom asks. "No! They'd ask what happened, and they'd never believe us if we said that we got attacked by a werewolf!"  I stated, blurting out some stuff. "That was a werewolf?" Tom gasped. "I... Don't think I've ever seen one before, and up close..." He says. "I have a first aid kit in the cabinet of the bathroom. We can do some research as soon as we get home. You hanging in there, Edd?" I ask him as I drove us home. "...Tord... I'm...trying but...it hurts..." Edd says, before passing out. Matt was in the back with him so he checks his pulse. "He's still breathing, hes just resting." Matt says. "Good, then we have time." I say as we park, and rush inside.


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