Ink and Affection, Part 1

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"Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come..."

 - Excerpt from "Sonnet 116" by William Shakespeare


November 1890

When Anne thought about Ominis, her heart fluttered in her chest in a way that caught her completely off guard. She wasn't supposed to feel this way about her twin brother's best friend. It was all quite maddening, really.

She never used to find the way Ominis held himself - so regal, so dignified - overly appealing. He was attractive, yes, but his reserved nature could be somewhat unnerving, so different from how she and Sebastian behaved with their scraps and playful taunting.

Maybe it was the differences she observed in him now that intrigued her. Or perhaps it was because Sebastian didn't seem to notice her feelings for Ominis had blossomed.

Sebastian was protective of her, even though she was technically ten minutes older. He always seemed to know when she developed feelings for someone. Call it what you wish - the twin connection, the twin sense - since they both became teenagers, she found it immensely bothersome. But when it came to Ominis, Sebastian didn't seem to suspect a thing. If he did, he didn't say anything, which was fine by her. In fact, it was incredibly freeing.

The last time she had seen Ominis, on her birthday celebration, when he surprisingly came accompanied by Sebastian and the new fifth-year - Damien - Ominis had been more attentive than ever before. She thought for certain that Sebastian would have said something, but he had seemed too preoccupied with Damien.

Speaking of the new boy... that was a new development. Sebastian seemed quite taken with the Ravenclaw. Damien was easy on the eyes, Anne had to admit, and Sebastian had always seemed appreciative of both genders, but it was still surprising. If she hadn't been so annoyed that they'd unexpectedly invited themselves to what was supposed to be a private celebration with Ominis, she would have pestered Sebastian about it. But there'd be plenty of time for that.

Anne shifted her position in the chair she was sitting in, crossing her right ankle over her left underneath the table. Today had been a good day so far. She couldn't remember the last time she hadn't had an episode in the morning. Mornings used to be her favorite time of day, but lately, they'd been filled with agonizing pain.

She fiddled with the stick of charcoal she held in her left hand, tapping it mindlessly on the table. Her bound sketchbook lay open before her. Lately, alongside her new fascination with gardening, Anne had picked up drawing as a hobby. She wasn't very good at it yet, but she found it made her days more interesting. There wasn't a lot to do around Feldcroft, especially with her uncle monitoring her every move.

Uncle Solomon meant well, he really did, but his ever-watchful gaze often incensed her. She knew better than to express her displeasure; after all, he never asked to be burdened with raising her and her brother. She was grateful that he didn't ship them off to the nearest orphanage when their parents died. Solomon was doing his best. She couldn't fault him for that. At least he listened to her when she asked him to stop bothering to find a cure for her deeply unfortunate ailment. If only Sebastian would follow his lead.

Anne sighed. Deciding on a subject to draw, she pursed her lips in concentration and began to sketch.

Ominis's slender frame was the easiest place to start. His posture merely required a few long, straight lines, unless she chose to draw him in motion with his wand stretched out before him. She shook her head. No, she didn't want his blindness to be the first thing that came to mind when her sketch was complete.

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