The Beginning of the End

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What had he done? What had Sebastian done?

Anne couldn't control her sobbing. She despised crying, loathed it with every fiber of her being, yet the tears cascaded uncontrollably down her cheeks. But prostrating herself over her uncle's cold, dead body was too much for her emotions to handle.

Sebastian had murdered Uncle Solomon. Sebastian was a murderer. The damning realization echoed through her mind relentlessly, no matter how hard she fought it. The evidence lay before her, underneath her, undeniable.

Sebastian had summoned, had controlled, Inferi. Inferi! Creatures of darkness that could wreak havoc upon the entire hamlet. They had attacked her, attacked Ominis! Ominis... Merlin, she hoped, wherever he was, that he was safe. Perhaps he was even getting help.

What had come over Sebastian? When she and Ominis had arrived at the catacomb earlier that evening, Sebastian had almost seemed... possessed? He had been clutching the relic in his outstretched hand, flanked by Inferi, his eyes crazed, rambling on about being able to control them, being able to cure her. What had he meant about being able to cure her? Surely not. Surely not! It was unfathomable. He must have been mistaken.

Speaking of the relic... Where had it gone? Had Solomon destroyed it? Was that why Sebastian was so furious, so unlike himself? Anne couldn't know for sure. She had barely arrived to watch in horror as Sebastian... murdered their uncle. Regardless of whether or not he had been in his right mind, he had made his choice. It couldn't be undone.

At least Anne had the opportunity to destroy the spellbook. At least there was that: the smallest inkling of reassurance that this would never happen again. That she had stopped Salazar Slytherin's terrible knowledge from being passed on to another unsuspecting witch or wizard. It was the right thing to do, no matter how devastated Sebastian had seemed. It was the right thing to do, no question.

Now that she had time to process the horrific events that had unfolded, Anne could also reflect on the previous events of the night. After finding Sebastian, after barricading the catacomb entrance, Ominis had sent Damien a letter. She had been there when he frantically wrote it and dispatched it via Willow. As they headed out the door with the intention of meeting Damien, a resounding crack pierced the silence behind them, indicating Solomon must have returned from his trip, wherever he had gone. They raced off as quickly as their feet would take them so they weren't spotted, questioned, or worse yet, stopped entirely.

Even though a small part of Anne wanted to inform Solomon immediately of what was currently transpiring, she let Ominis lead her, his clammy hand squeezing hers as they ran. That was her first mistake.

When Damien showed up at the entrance of the catacomb, his appearance was disheveled, his face drawn, his eyes darting back and forth nervously. His apparent concern for her brother had been enough to convince Anne that Ominis and Damien could handle the situation for the time being. So... she had left. She had left. Back to the house, back to Solomon. He was more than likely wondering where she was anyway, perhaps even searching for her. And Solomon used to be an Auror. Solomon and Sebastian may not get along, but certainly he could talk some sense into Sebastian. So, she had decided: Solomon had to be informed. To save her brother. Damn the consequences!

Before he left to confront Sebastian, Solomon, his face contorted in rage, commanded that Anne stay behind. And she had listened at first. That had clearly been a mistake too. A deadly one. But after what felt like ages pacing back and forth in their empty home, she knew she had to return to the catacomb.

And so, Anne returned, but not quickly enough. And when she did, it had been just Sebastian and Damien. Where was Ominis? Had he been injured? Had he run off to get more help? Her mind wouldn't let her accept any other option besides the latter. Ominis had to be safe. She wouldn't be able to handle it if he were hurt. Anne convinced herself Ominis was fine, if not disturbed by what he had seen. Ominis was fine. He had to be.

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