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Dear Ominis,

I was in the midst of writing this letter when you alighted upon my doorstep the other day. I trust you don't find it too forward of me to write to you again so soon, but I simply had to express my gratitude. For everything.

(And Sebastian, if you just so happen to be reading this letter aloud to Ominis, please know that I am still eagerly awaiting a letter from you. Better yet, how about another visit? I'd like to hand over your birthday present sooner rather than later, you know. Don't keep me waiting!)



Dear Anne,

It was truly my pleasure. And I would be remiss to not thank you as well. You never cease to astonish and delight me.

In fact, it was not Sebastian, but Damien, who recited your letter to me. I am attempting to get to know him better. So far, he has surprised me, although at times, I do get the feeling he is keeping something from me. I will say, I understand now why Sebastian finds Damien so intriguing. He possesses a certain charm, not unlike Sebastian, albeit more subdued, less overtly assertive, if you grasp my meaning.

Regardless, I have shared your comments with Sebastian. He wanted me to convey that, as he said before, his letters must be getting apprehended by your uncle. He seemed none too pleased by it, although he has been a bit on edge lately, so that could also be playing a factor. He also asked me to write (verbatim, mind you): "Letter-writing goes both ways." (Again: His words, not mine.)

Speaking of Feldcroft, I would very much like to see you again. Perhaps next weekend? I'll bring lunch.



Dearest Anne,

My sincerest apologies, but a rather large Potions assignment has come up that I must complete (and you know how useless I am at Potions), so I must postpone my visit to Feldcroft this weekend.

On a different note, there is something I need to speak with you about rather urgently. I should have mentioned it when I visited last, but I didn't want to ruin our day. I promise I will write again soon.




I understand, although I am, admittedly, a bit disappointed. Best of luck to you on the assignment. Why not ask Sebastian for help? He is a wonder in Potions class, after all. It's a shame Professor Sharp seems to dislike him so.

In regard to the other matter, I hope whatever you have to tell me doesn't have something to do with you know who, but I suspect it does. Please do write soon.




Apologies for my rather tardy response.

Unfortunately, yes, the matter I need to discuss with you does relate to Sebastian. He is worrying me, more so than usual. I will explain later, preferably in person.

Thank you for the well wishes. I think the assignment went alright. Sebastian was not available to provide me assistance, as he was apparently too busy with other affairs to give me the time of day. To be fair, we're not exactly on speaking terms at the moment. I'm immensely cross with him. I'll spare you the details for now.

Speaking of one such "other affair," I'm quite certain Sebastian and Damien are courting each other. I overheard them discussing something in the Undercroft yesterday that was very telling. The word 'snogging' may or may not have come up. Although they seem to have had a lover's tiff since then, so who really knows?

Love's Not Time's Fool // Ominis Gaunt & Anne SallowWhere stories live. Discover now