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February 1887

When Anne and Sebastian returned to Hogwarts after the Christmas holidays, Ominis surprised them with his secret.

The Undercroft, he called it. A fitting name, she supposed, what with it being under the school. Its vaulted ceilings and cavernous space gave it an aura of mystery, but most of all, privacy. According to Ominis, no one but a Gaunt knew of its whereabouts until that day. Until Anne and Sebastian.

Reflecting on it now as she leaned against the wall fiddling with her set of Gobstones on the cold stone floor, Anne's cheeks warmed ever so slightly. Ominis had included her for the first time.

Anne had felt a bit left out since Sebastian and Ominis became fast friends at the beginning of the school year.

Before Ominis, it had only been the two of them, Anne and Sebastian, for so long. Sebastian: her brother, her twin, her best friend, as infuriating as he could be sometimes. She admitted to herself that she was a bit possessive of his time and presence; it was hard to permit him to spend time with someone else. It took quite an effort on her part.

But at least Sebastian had chosen to befriend someone interesting, someone with more depth than say Leander Prewett, or even Garreth Weasley. Not that she disliked either of them - yet - but Leander seemed so full of himself and all Garreth ever talked about was Potions.

Ominis wasn't perfect either. He was far too quiet, of course, and he didn't always approve of their skulking around the castle at night or the already copious pranks that Anne had brilliantly devised (and Sebastian had expertly executed). Ominis also had this strange habit of eavesdropping on conversations. Anne still wasn't certain if that was a good or a bad thing. She supposed it could eventually come in handy, but only if it was never used against her.

Anne had already gotten over that moment when Ominis officially introduced himself in History of Magic. That moment when she thought he was handsome. He was still handsome, but he had stolen her brother away! She couldn't allow herself to have a crush on a boy that did such a thing. It was the principle of the matter.

But at least he seemed to be making amends now. Perhaps she'd forgive him. She'd consider it.

The gate to the Undercroft screeched open. Anne glanced up expecting to see Sebastian. They were supposed to meet here before Astronomy class. He had forgotten his star chart - Anne suspected it was probably deliberate; Sebastian didn't seem particularly enthused by Astronomy - so she had brought it with her. They would make the exchange before class began so he didn't get yet another detention from Professor Shah.

But it wasn't Sebastian who walked through the door.

"Sebastian, is that you?" Ominis said as he strolled through the gate. As usual, his wand was stretched out before him, its tip pulsing red light.

How did Ominis even know someone was here? Anne had barely moved when he entered the room. She knew he had astounding hearing, but this was just ridiculous.

"Hey Ominis," Anne replied, packing away her Gobstones and standing up. "It's me."

Ominis's expression, what she could see of it in the dark, twitched ever so slightly. "Anne. My sincerest apologies. Sebastian and I were supposed to meet here. I must be early."

She sighed. "No, I was supposed to meet him here too. A while ago. Typical Sebastian. He probably got lost wandering the castle again. I worry about him sometimes."

Ominis chuckled. "How does he manage that? I think I find my way around the castle better than he does."

"He gets lost in his thoughts, I suppose." Anne wandered over to the desk in the corner where she had placed her knapsack. She unclasped it and deposited her Gobstones inside. "I've been meaning to tell you thanks, by the way."

Ominis, now at the center of the room, arched his brow. "Thanks? What for?" As he spoke he tucked his wand away in the holster he wore across his left arm. Anne was often jealous of it; a holster must be far more convenient than always having to pull a wand out of a knapsack. It took an annoyingly long time to do so. If she was ever in a precarious situation, she'd probably be cursed before she could even manage to get her hands on it.

"For including me the other week. When you showed us this room." Anne spread her arms wide and spun in a circle. She felt silly upon realizing that Ominis couldn't see her. She was still getting used to interacting with someone with his... unique situation, for want of a better word.

"Oh," he replied, flushing. "Well, of course."

A pregnant pause. Ominis coughed. Anne stared at the wall, wondering what to say. Should she leave? Class would start soon. It didn't seem like Sebastian was coming to meet her. Or to meet Ominis, for that matter.

"Anne," Ominis said quietly.

She startled and swiveled around to face him. "Yes?"

"You're always welcome to join me and Sebastian. I hope you know that."

Anne's skin tingled. Her cheeks became hot. She shook her head. "Of course I know that," she said dismissively, throwing the strap of her knapsack over her shoulder and heading toward the gate. It was time to go. It was time to go before she said something daft.

"See you around, Ominis," she said as she bolted through the gate. 

Anne didn't realize what she had said until she had reentered the hallway. She cringed. Would Ominis be bothered by her using a sight-based expression in her farewell? Would he hold it against her? Merlin, why was she this way? On second thought, why was Ominis so captivating? It was extremely inconvenient.

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