November 13th, 2023

3 0 0

I set my sights on something more, something far away.

A small bush that thrives in the sun.

It soaks water from the west lake, my water source too.

Her beauty must be facing west as well.

I watch her leaves flow in the wind, I watch as they get patted by rain drops.

I watch her leaves fall as she grows sturdy, but she is still a bush.

Day and night, I watch her.

I creep toward her roots as I watch her.

And I will continue to get closer, and closer.

Day and night, I do so.

As I get closer though, I see the wilting. I could not see that from afar.

I can now see her shriveled leaves, but weren't they a luscious green?

I see her leaves fall without grace, each and every one.

They fall off her dehydrated branches, one by one, onto the ground.

I couldn't see this drained life from a distance.

It seemed as if a small gush of wind would wipe away her existence.

I could not admire her beauty from afar, so I came close.

Was her beauty only admirable from afar?

Was there any beauty around her at all?

Maybe it was just meant to be seen from afar.

And with my attempt to gush on it up close, I took it away. 

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