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Draco raised his chin as he approached Madam Malkin's, this was the first time his mother did not escort him to his robe fitting. He tried to ignore the circumstances behind her absence but could not help but think of what had happened last year.

Stupid Potter! Why couldn't he have just had one normal year?

The fourth year was meant to be relaxing, as it was the last year before OWLs and then NEWTs in the seventh year. That changed when they learned the Triwizard tournament would be occurring. Wizards and witches that were of age would compete and students could ignore their pointless assignments. Instead, Potter just had to join and ruin not only fourth year but also Draco's summer and possibly even his entire life. The Dark Lord called upon his father to hide his return as he gathered his supporters. His home was now full of Deatheaters, and contrary to popular belief Draco was not like his father.

He hated the invasion of his home and he did not support the cause. At eleven he might have been all for ridding the wizarding world of mudbloods but now... he wasn't so sure. Granger was a brilliant witch who beat him in nearly every class. There were also a couple of raven claw muggleborns who weren't complete disgraces, especially when compared to Crabbe and Goyle, who were among the most idiotic people he had ever encountered.

For the past four years, Draco had come to realize the only difference was that muggleborns did not know the traditions, the etiquette, the history. This entire war would be a huge mistake and would likely wipe out even more of the old families who had survived the first wizarding war, which would only further diminish the knowledge of the old ways.

Draco straightened his posture as he entered, there was no point to these thoughts, he knew the role that he would have to play, not a role he wished to play but one that he would in order to uphold the family's honor. Even still, in the back of his mind, a small part of him wanted to finally break free of the confinement of these expectations. The small part that wanted to pay back the truly evil people who had thrown brutal cruciatus curses at him and his mother. This part of him that he refused to acknowledge wanted to pay back his father's "lessons" and finally show those who dared intrude upon the house of Malfoy what he was truly capable of. He was a true Malfoy, his father was just the exception in the otherwise respectful bloodline.

But Draco had a part to play, he would be the villain just as Potter would be the hero. He knew this, he did not want it, but when had his wishes ever played a part in his life? He had many things others wished for yet at the same time nothing that truly mattered. He wished for things and knew he would never receive them.

"I need my usual school order," Draco said to Madam Malkin in a practiced cold voice.

"Of course Mister Malfoy, once I have your new measurements they will be ready just in time for the year." Madam Malkin said in a very professional tone. It would not do to let a customer know how much she hated what his family stood for. After all, the Malfoys always brought in a great deal of money. Nothing but the best quality for them.

Draco nodded and stepped in front of two other students to begin the lengthy process. A Malfoy never waited in lines.

Madam Malkin moved quickly and efficiently as she handled his measurements herself. As he moved his arm his eyes caught on the large Malfoy signet ring settled proudly on his finger. The ring was intricate, ancient, and naturally extremely expensive. Draco stared at it and considered its history, it had been passed from father to son for centuries. Each wearer upheld the family honor and later became head of house Malfoy, a lord, and a respected member of society.

Yes, Draco would play his part. He would be the perfect son, embodying the cause. He raised his chin and pretended the rebellious piece of himself was not scratching at its cage deep within his occlumenced mind.

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