Chapter 2: Severed Bonds

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Draco was frozen on that stool in front of the tinny first years, in front of every Gryffindor he had bullied, in front of every 'friend'. In front of everyone, his indifferent mask dropped and his mouth hung open for a second.

"Mister Malfoy. If you could take your new seat?" Professor McGonagall said. Her tone was almost sympathetic.

Well, Draco thought numbly, I am a part of her house now. He stood on wobbly legs. He turned slightly to stare at the hat that had somehow managed to make his life even worse than it already was.

Draco almost stumbled as he walked down the steps toward the Gryffindor table. He sat at the very end of the table as far from the Gryffindors as possible. He didn't care that where he was sitting was meant for incoming first years or that he would soon be surrounded by them. He couldn't seem to breathe...

My life is over. Is the only thing he could think of as each first year was sorted into their houses. He couldn't go home. Especially with Voldemort living in his home. Being resorted he would be considered a traitor, which was even worse than being an outcast. He closed his eyes attempting to smooth his features into indifference.

Finally, the hat was done sorting. Luckily this year had a small group and no eleven-year-olds had to sit next to him. Dumbledore said something like he does every year but Draco didn't hear a word of it. That was until a pudgy woman dressed fully in pink interrupted him. Her voice was thick with a false pitch and overly flowery words. Draco ignored her just as he ignored Dumbledore. Eventually, her speech came to an end and the food appeared on the tables and a murmur of conversation rippled across the room, even if it was much more subdued than usual. Draco felt nauseous as he stared at the food in front of him. Students whispered among themselves and the usually jovial ghosts whispered warnings to the students. Draco could see Sir Nicholas speaking to Potter and even a glimpse of Helena Ravenclaw. Draco also felt the back of his neck prickle as the eyes of the Slytherin table burrowed into the back of his head.

Before he even knew what he was doing Draco was standing up and walking out of the great hall. He was breathing heavily as he walked faster and faster down the corridors. He didn't even know where he would end up going. He could no longer go to the Slytherin common room, and he didn't know the password to the Gryffindor common room. He stopped abruptly as he approached the doorway to the cool night air. He let out a shaking breath.

This is a disaster. He thought.

Draco raised his chin and closed his eyes trying to compose himself. He needed a plan. What would happen now? How would he deal with it? He couldn't go home. Ever. This also meant he couldn't be neutral in the war. The Dark Lord and his Deatheaters would consider him a traitor, if he was lucky they would kill him quickly. But the Order of the Phoenix would never trust him, but Draco needed protection, he couldn't afford to be hated from all sides.

So, Draco would prove himself trustworthy, likely to Potter and his useless friends, and hopefully, that would be his entrance into the safety of the order.

One problem solved. Or in the process of being solved. Whatever. Draco thought.

Other problems remained. If he could not go home he would have to make other arrangements for supporting himself and living in general. He also had to consider the legal implications, the ministry wasn't fond of unattended minors running free. How was he going to do this? Especially considering that he still had the trace and couldn't use magic outside of school.

Draco leaned against the stone wall and slid to the ground, lowering his head into his hands. He didn't know how he was going to do this. One minute. Draco thought, One minute and then I'll go figure it out. Draco huffed out a scoffing bitter laugh. "Fix it... How the hell do I do that?"

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