Weather Wreckage

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Stella and her drawings are dressing up, ready to get in front of the green screen. A news reporter walks up to her after she's done.

News Reporter: "Thanks for coming in on a short notice."

Stella: "Of course! Me and my wonderful friends were more than glad to help out. But why did you need us in the first place?"

News Reporter: Shakes head "Our best weather reporter hasn't come to work for a few days, even after a few repeated calls. We're currently trying to figure out where he is, but for now we need someone to stand in for him."

Stella: "Of course, and we're happy to help. A break from defending maps would be nice anyways."

News Reporter: "Alright. You'll all go on air in a few minutes, so I'll let you get prepared."

The news reporter walks away, seemingly to talk to other staff at the news agency. Stella looks down at her drawings.

Stella: "Come on then, let's go!"

The drawings cheer as Stella heads towards the green screen.
Even though it appears the skies will be clear, the feeling of a bad storm flowing in isn't going away...


Scientist: "Good luck Reboot!"

Reboot: "I'll do my best!..."

Reboot slowly steps out of the lab they were in, and watch as the door silently closes behind them. It's their first time interacting with the other towers they don't know, so they're somewhat nervous.
He quietly walks around Tower Heroes headquarters, not spotting anyone in sight. However, a surge of music starts to play nearby.

Reboot: "AH!" Freezes in place

A record scratch is heard, before the music begins again. Reboot slightly shakes themselves, and they walk over to where the music is coming from.

Reboot: Peeking around the corner "...hello?"

A distracted Spectre looks up and notices Reboot. He stops the music and decides to go over to them. He slows down when he sees how scared Reboot looks.

Spectre: "Hey there, I didn't realize you were nearby. Are you the new tower?"

Reboot: Nods quickly

Spectre: "Ah, welcome to Tower Heroes. Sorry if my music startled you, it's just sometimes hard to resist the beat." Holds out one of his hands "My name is Spectre, what's yours?"

Reboot: "I'm Reboot...nice to meet you."

Reboot takes Spectre's hand with one of their own and slowly shakes it up and down. He's still remembering things he used to be able to do, but Scientist has been a massive help.
Reboot lets go soon afterwards.

Spectre: "If you want, I can give you an in depth tour of the place. I've been here a while so I know my way around, and I can also introduce you to anyone else we come across."

Reboot: :0 "That...that would be great!"

Spectre: Smiles "Follow me."

Spectre floats off, shutting off his speaker on the way. Reboot follows him after a few seconds.
The two explore Tower Heroes headquarters while talking to each on the way. Reboot explains what happened to them, and Spectre points out the more unique features of the buildings.
They're currently about to reach a break area.

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