Chapter 5

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   This was the third message the criminal had sent. Each one had three things in common, six houses in some way, shape or form, the numbers 82, whether they were written as dates, roman numerals or after the third clue. And lastly the acronym AVE. It was always there even when it was on a Monopoly board. His criminal was spelling something out. The unfolded paper lay in Cole's hand, it did nothing to help him find Kai. They recently detained a witness to the robbery, attempted robbery, he hasn't said anything yet, but the questioning hasn't even started. The witness said his name was Blaze Hairgel,  which yes, is extremely weird, but Cole has met someone named Lampshade Floortile. He took his notes and headed to the interrogation room. Zane was already waiting for him there, he got the basic information out of Blaze but waited till Cole came to beging the questioning.

   "So, you were around the scene when the criminal was there, right?" Cole asked, looking over at Zane for support. The witness rolled his amber eyes. He looked suspiciously like the crimimal although his brown hair was styled more to look like a roblox character and there was no scar over his left eye, so it couldn't be him, duh.

   "Yes, you were the ones who took me in for questioning, how long is this gonna take? I have things to do, you know?"

   "Right. Uhm, did you happen to see the direction the criminal went in? Any particular avenue or street?" Zane asked.

   "I think he went around 82 avenue," Blaze began. "Brown eyes right?"

  "Amber, but yes," Cole answered, receiving a curious look from Zane. He wrote the answer down on his notepad. 82 avenue, interesting. Could that be the place the criminal is trying to spell out?

   "Cute, you remembered, Beautiful." Cole perked up. "Okay, so, is that everything?" the witness asked. Looking up from the notepad, Zane nodded yes.
   "Uh wait," Cole started but was interrupted by the lights blacking out and a scuffling sound around the room. The door had creaked open swiftly before Cole or Zane had the chance to react.

  "Wait! Don't let him leave!" Cole shouted through the dark. His hand reached for the handle of the door. It was locked.

   "What's happening?" Zane looked over at Cole, or at least where he assumed Cole would be of the lights were on. The lights flickered back on and the locked door was shoved open.

   "Is he still here?" Cole sounded panicked. The other officers stood on gaurd, a few gripping their weapons tightly.

  "Does anyone have any information about what just happened?" Zane asked.

   "There seems to have been a hacker or something who turned out all the lights, it was limited to the station only," an officer peeped out.
   "It was the criminal, he's done it before," Cole's eyes widened. "Gosh I'm an idiot."

   "Tell me something new," Zane joked.
   "No no, I think Blaze mught have been the criminal. I think we just caught him and then stupidly let him go," Cole scoffed. He rubbed his eyes with his hands. Realization struck like a baseball bat.
   "How did I not get that sooner?" Zane looked puzzled but wanted Cole to keep going. "The-the notes, break ins, weird remarks, I bet theres a note back in the interrogation room proving my point."
   "What point? Whats going on?" Zane asked as Cole was moving back into the room. He was right. there was a note, carefully folded up on the table, next to a pair of cuffs. Zane was the one to pick it up.

  He unfolded the note and read aloud, "See you thursday." It didn't make any sense to him, but Cole seemed like this note was a map to a treasure chest that he'd be able to steal and lock way forever.

  "What does this mean?" Zane urged Cole forward with his train of thought.
   "The sixth house on Ninjago, 82 avenue, on Thursday. He wants us to meet him there."

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