make out in the allies 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰

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(smut. every smut i will write here will only have bottom tecchou 🤑)

**tecchous pov** :3

Jouno and i had been sent off on a mission. we were supposed to catch a criminal whos been killing innocent people in the allies, but.. jouno doesnt seem serious at all about this. well, not like i care. justice is my top priority and i wont put anyone nor anything above it.

"ugh, just show yourself, you stinky criminal! i know youre there! i can hear your heartbeats." jouno yelled out. oh yeah, i sometimes forgot he can hear everyones heartbeats. i find it rather amusing, being able to hear someone even when theyre not making a single sound, he will always knows if someone is near.. its truly amazing.

"well well! as expected from the hunting dog. yes, im here! i-" the criminal got cut off by my sword stabbing his stomach. well i didnt stabbed it too deep (NO HORNY), and i made sure i didnt scratch any of his organs. its not because he didnt deserved to die. its because i know jouno would probably love to torture him to death.

"really? knocked him out just like that?? boooooring......... i hope you can just die so i can torture everyone in a very painful and definetly less boring way!" jouno scolded me. to be honest..... i dont know a single shit or what the hell hes yapping about. i just started counting some ants beside the garbage bin.

once i heard jouno silent for more than 30 seconds, i knew he had nothing else to say and begin to walk off.... or atleast i tried.

**3rd person pov 🥰**

the white-haired male grabbed the brunette's hands, pushing the brunette against the alley wall. the white-haired lifted his legs and steps on the brunette's shoulder. "how the actual fuck is your heartbeat still calm?!" the white-haired questions, but the brunette was left confused. "ugh. you're such a calm hoe, tecchou!" the white haired cursed out making the brunette even more confused. "what the actual fuck are you doing jou--"  the brunette was interrupted by the other's lips.

tecchou's eyes widened as he was being kissed by someone who claimed to despise him. not like he minded it anyway, he had actually liked jouno for some time.

**jounos pov**

the texture of his soft lips... mm~ my sweet tecchou, how i love you... but though i have to say, i hate the fact your lips tastes like strawberry and ketchup at the same time. ugh shit, i want more of you. i bit his lips, making him let out a soft quiet gasp.. but its actually pretty loud to me, as i have a better hearing sense. i slid my tongue inside of his mouth, exploring every part of him. his soft breaths coming out of his mouth with his muffled moans.. i love you so much, tecchou. after awhile, i let go of the kiss, a thick string salvia connects me and him. "j-jouno.. i love you~.." oh my god, his voice is just so.. beautiful.. "love you too, tecchou." i said. ugh,  if only i had a vision.. maybe i couldve seen how pretty his whole appeareance actually is. he might be even more beautiful than what he already is.. fuck you tecchou! why do u have to be so.. perfect..

i wander my hand on his uniform, trying to find the buttons. and it didnt took me long to find it anyways, i asked tecchou for consent as i unbuttoned his uniform. he did a little "mhm" sound which i assume, he answered yes. after i unbuttoned his uniform, i started taking off his belt and his pants, soon enough also taking off mine. i grabbed his thighs, lifting him up as he wrapped his legs around my waist. i inserted 2 of my fingers inside him, making him do soft moans. hes so cute...  i inserted another finger, making 3 inside of him now. his muffled moans and sweating thighs.. turned me on so bad.

 i want more of him, i bit his neck hard, making him let out a loud moan. fuck.. that was so hot. i wanted more of those, so i kept biting every part of him. he lets out the cutest whimpers and moans i could ever imagine. just as i positioned my dick against him, badly wanting to get inside of him already..

but just then, i heared the criminal's heartbeat speeding up, hm.. he mustve been awake, OH SHIT- i let go of tecchou gently and put on his uniform and pants along with putting mine also. i could feel tecchou slightly shivering and shaking, i assume his face was tinted red. but so was i. ugh, i wanted more of him god damn it.. but oh well, i dont think tecchou would want to be doing sex in the middle of his work.

 we went over to the criminal, luckily he actually just woken up probably 20 seconds ago, which means he didnt saw what me and tecchou had done earlier. thats good..

i hear tecchou pulling out a metal.. oh its handcuffs. handcuffs... h-handcuffs...... oh wait, i also have handcuffs. hmm, maybe i could handcuff tecchou the next time we do this. i hear him handcuffed the criminal, and walking off probably to the prison.

"you comin, jouno?" he asked.

"oh. yes." i answered.

i sigh mentally and catch up to  him.. ugh, you're so annoying tecchou..

yet i cant help, but love you..


(jouno move its my turn 😒😒)

saihiro/suegiku shiz but idk how to writeWhere stories live. Discover now