not angst (trust)

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A/N: srry for not updatinhg ermm i was busy wit some stuff ahahahah1111!!11!!! anyaways rhis is another requested chapter!!!! 🔥🔥


Jouno was sitting on the infirmary bed frustatedly with his burnt arm.

What could possibly frustates him more?


he twitched his eyebrows before inhaling a deep breath.

With all his strength, he spoke the two words he obviously didn't want to say.

"You can come in."

The door opened, and the familiar heartbeat was all it took for Jouno to know who it was.

"Why, if it isnt Suehiro. The strongest out of the hunting dogs, yes of course." Jouno irritatedly smiled at the other.

"Are you okay now?" Tecchou's question exploded the fuming rage Jouno was gripping on his gut.

Jouno took a deep breath, exhaled, before 'calmly' replying--

"Well, since you have functional eyes unlike me you fucking incoherent imbecile, so why don't you take a look at my crust-burned arm and figure it out yourself with the last discombulated rotting braincell you have in your empty hollow skull. Or maybe you could be a little more of a nerd today and realize a burnt hand is not gonna heal in just 4 hours. Afterall, weren't you the one who got distracted by an army of ants on the ground instead of helping me out on the mission when i legitimately had shouted to your dusty ear that there was fire on the building? Perhaps you should seek an ear doctor, that might also be a great help to me, as your ear wax smells like a fucking bird piss."

A pause of silence remained for awhile before Tecchou's responded with, "oh."

Jouno facepalmed, "God sakes, Tecchou,  you're so annoying!" he shouts.

Tecchou wandered his eyes around the floor a little, before asking,

"I'm annoying?"

Jouno gave him the dirty look and bluntly said "yes." as his answer.

"Then, what should i do to be less annoying??" Tecchou tilted his head.



Jouno heard Tecchou's heartbeat felt sadder.

He felt somewhat a stingy guilt, but he  decided to ignored it.

But Tecchou wasn't saying anything, he felt the guilt just grow bigger, but he refused to apologize. That would seem pathetic.

Afterall, Tecchou wouldn't take it seriously right?

Tecchou is just a human filled with no  real emotions.

Atleast, that what it seems like.

But Jouno knows that isn't true. Yet, he still tries to gaslight himself that it is, just to make himself feels better.

"Leave before i just drown your head myself." Jouno broke the silence Impulsively.

"Okay." Tecchou left the room, Jouno's hand almost moved to reach out to him.

Just what was he thinking?



"Drown.., he said.." Tecchou crouched beside a lake, looking at the water who showed his reflection.

He looked sad, but he wasn't crying.

He didn't knew it, but he was sad.

His hand reached out to the water, before falling in with his whole body.

Drowning, that is a very common way to die, right?

Drowning happens a lot each day.

Surely, he'd drown.



He felt his arm being pulled back to the land, his closing eyes could only catch his own colleague, Tachihara, looking heavily concerned at the sight of seeing him.





"My deepest condolences, sir. We were not able to save him. Sorry for your loss."

Countless teardrops fell from Jouno's eyes as the nurse continues.

If only he apologized.

If only he just didn't said such words.

With a raspy voice and the strength he has left to not sound too pathetic, Jouno requested to see his colleague one more time.

The nurse agreed on the request, though that must've been her biggest mistake.

Right when the door opened, Jouno caught a scent of--


He quickly came in realization that Tecchou didn't die because he drowned himself.

The nurse had poisoned Tecchou while he was unconcious, atleast that was Jouno's assumption.

Jouno clenched his fist, rage consuming him.

He went out of the room, meeting the face of the nurse again. The rage running in his blood couldn't be helped.

"Was it you?" he started.

The nurse lift one of her eyebrows, "Pardon?"

Jouno gritted his teeth. "Was it you who killed him with poison?"

The nurse widened her gaze.

"...I heard you could hear heartbeats, so theres no more point in hiding this anymore. Yes, it was me who indeed, killed your colleague." The nurse stated.

Jouno was completely filled with anger.

Not waiting another word to come out of that nurse's mouth, he landed a punch on her face.

The nurse laughed like the psychopath she was.

"Fucking criminal." Jouno threw another punch.





That scene became to the end of that nurse's life.

Jouno's still alive.

Tecchou isn't.

Without Tecchou, Jouno's life doesnt really feel alive. (ew what in the corny)

Just days filling with misery and grief was all that Jouno had.

Guilt and regret taunting him no matter what time it was, nor where he was.

Just, what if he'd never say such words to his colleague? or what if he just apologized?


[A/N: helpm the ending was so rushed and badly written im cryinh asjdhjsahdjssjdshf ;sob;]

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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