hanahaki go whoop whoop

186 7 5

(royal AU + angst :3)  TW: su1c1d3


the blind peppermint-haired prince had always loved flowers, and would always go flower fields. he liked being alone enjoying the scent of the flowers.

but there was a certain place he would visit the most.

the place had a cherry blossom tree that would always have a boy sitting next to it counting the amount of petals that falls one by one. the prince found him quite amusing and oftens chat with him.

"my, my, tecchou. you're here already? im starting to think that you practically live here."

"well, i do like it here."

"yeah, i know you do."

a slight smile and a tint of red appeared on the dark-haired boy's face. and he started to cough..

..blood and a petal.

the prince noticed his heartbeat and a slight scent of blood.
worried, he asked, "tecchou, are you okay?"

"ah- yes.. im just a little unwell, currently. dont worry much."

"well, if you say so.."

although the prince had a heavy feeling of worry in his chest, he didnt like to bother the other, so he didnt ask more.

..although he hoped he did.

day by day, it seemed like the darker haired's condition got worse. the prince was always asking him if he was okay, but the answer from the other was always "dont worry much, im fine."


in a snowy tuesday, the two met up again under the cherry blossom.
the prince asked him again,

"hows your current condition?"

"its not bad. you really dont need to worry much."



"be honest with me, please. i dont wanna lose the only person that could see me as human and not just a sadistic prince who doesnt have a vision."

"...jouno....a beautiful prince like you ..shouldnt be thinking like that."

"beautiful?..-" the prince slightly blushed.


the dark-haired boy started to cough petals again, making the prince even more concerned, although he didnt knew that he was coughing petals. but so he still didnt want the other to disappear like dandelions seeds blown by the winds.

"are you really okay..? i can bring a doctor to help if you need-"

"i appreciate your concerns, jouno. but im fine." the dark-haired boy interrupted.

"..just take care of yourself, okay?" the prince said with worries in his chest.

"i will. you dont have to worry." he responds, but his words were untrue.


2 weeks later, snowy again. the prince visits the place like usual.

and as usual, the darker haired was there earlier.

"well hello there." the boy greeted. his voice a bit rash due to the amount of coughing.

"tecchou.." the prince called his name,

"are you always sitting by this cherry blossom everyday?.. did you atleast eat anything..?" the prince asks with worry.

"ah, of course i eat. but yeah, i guess i do go here everyday." the boy answered.

"why? shouldnt you rest..?" the prince asks again.

"jouno.." the boy said the prince's name tensely, also ignoring the question the prince had asked him.

"will you ever accept a boy..-" the boy coughed blood and petals yet again while trying to speak the full sentence.
"if he confesses his love ..t-to you..?" the boy finished his sentence with a raspy voice.

at that, the prince finally knew.. how the boy was inlove with him.



"im sorry... "  the prince tried to politely reject.

"ah.. i-its fine. dont worry.."  the boy reassures, knowing that the prince probably figured out the hint.

but that only made the boy cough again.

1 petal..

2 petals..

3 petals...

4 petals...

5 petals..

6 petals..

7 petals.....

"tecchou?.." the prince asks worried.

"ah, i-its nothing.." the boy answered

"im gonna go back to the castle now. please take care of yourself, okay..?"

"alright, see you t-then!" although the boy tries to speak in a cheerful tone, his raspy voice couldnt let him.

the prince walks away, even though he felt so wrong. he felt a heavy worry in his chest but he still decided to walk off.

once the prince was gone from the view, the boy started coughing petals again.

"ugh shit.." the boy cursed out, coughing again and again. now vomitting blood, he felt as if his lungs stopped working. tears forming in his eyes, he knew it was gonna end there.

closing his eyes slowly, the boy fell to a never-ending "sleep".

(tmrw !! :3)

*jouno's pov*

my mind is filled with what had happened yesterday. inside my chest, i deeply want to go see him again and tell him the truth.. i cant shake away this feeling. it feels so wrong. ugh, fuck it all, im going there.

running to the cherry blossom with full of worry inside me, there i found a scent i really didnt want to find here.

the scent of blood.

"tecchou..!" i scream.

"h-hey tecchou, say something..!"

"why are there no heartbeats to hear..?! this-.. this isnt you..!"

"hey-! stop with your g-games.."

"tecchou..! tecchou!!.. idiot..! you s-said.. you'll take care of  y-your.. self..!.."

"h-hey..! look at me!!.."

"you said 'see you'..! n-not 'goodbye'!! idiot.. say something..!"

tears kept coming from my eyes, this cant be real. tecchou's alive.. he said he's okay..

even though knowing he's no longer there, i kept begging and holding him like some idiot.
if only i accepted his confession..
if only i wasnt born as a stupid prince....
if only i wasnt born in general.
..stupid tecchou would still be alive..
i hate you.. idiot..

*back to 3rd person pov*

the prince was still holding the other's dead body, refusing to let go at any cost.

"young lord.. it's time to go back to the castle.." the knight tries to make the young prince let go of the rotting dead body.

all the prince could ever say was a repeating 'im sorry' over and over. the only person that understood him was gone.

after some while, feeling bad for the knight that kept begging him to go back to the castle, he finally let go of the deceased friend's body.

"im sorry.." he apologises once more to the body that had no soul left.

5 days after tecchou's death,

jouno visits the cherry blossom, tears running through his beautiful face.

"hey.. look, tecchou.. another petal fell from the cherry blossom.. how ..m-many... have y-you counted..? i wish i knew.." with shaking voice, he said.

"im sorry.." the prince knew he'd look stupid saying things like this when there wasnt a soul to be seen.

he was carrying a sword.

so with his hands, he stabbed himself on the throat with his own sword. blood running out of his mouth as he coughed.

'im sorry' was the only last thing on his mind as his senses of hearing and scent fade away.


(heheh im def making more angst)

saihiro/suegiku shiz but idk how to writeWhere stories live. Discover now