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A/N: this was requested to be a tbhk AU but i forgot everything abt tbhk so uhm.

(  Ghost AU + Modern AU... sort of...?? )

[READ.] In this AU, i (slightly) based Jouno off a Japaneese Urban legend, called Kashima Reiko-- another ghost that's rumored to haunt the bathroom, asides from Hanako.


Tecchou was surrounded with his friends, they were talking to eachother in the cafeteria table. Tachihara was there, Teruko was there too.. Gin, who was invited by Tachihara was there. Ranpo and Yosano was there. All of them was talking with one another.

But there is Tecchou, just sitting awkwardly with his finished plate of food on the table.

To be left out by your friends certainly arent the best events.

Tecchou got up from his seat, told Teruko he's going to the bathroom. He just needs a break from that air.. the air of crowd and a bunch of people gathered on, being left alone with nobody in the middle of it makes Tecchou nauseous.

Mindlessly, The brunette walked to the bathroom like any other day.

He saw himself on the mirror, which was kind of dirty. Somehow, theres something wrong with his face. He couldve sworn he looked different just a minute ago.

Only a sigh was commited against his thought, he began washing his hands.

Seconds after seconds, the weather felt colder.

'I dont remember the bathroom having an air conditioner.'

Tecchou turned his head at the slightest, to be greeted by the sight of a floating boy around his age-- the appearance of it was unpleasing.

The boy had peppermint colored hair, blood and dirt stained clothes, closed eyes... and no lower half-- there was only particles at the end of his halfed body.

The transparent boy giggled, smirking sadisticly before questioning---

"Where's my legs ?" the boy still kept his evil smirk.

Tecchou froze, just staring back at him. whether he found the boy terrifying, beautiful-- or perhaps, ugly? that remains unknown.

With no answers received, the boy grows impatient.

"Answer before i rip off your legs." the smirk faded to an angry expression.

Tecchou still didnt answer.

"5." The boy counts.



"2--" It was only a mere second before the other finally spoke.

"If you rip off my legs, then you should be able to use it as a replacement for your legs." Tecchou blinks, slightly tilting his head.

The transparent boy utterly twitches his eyebrows in confusion.

"Are you perhaps suicidal?" He smiled again with no hint of concern in that question.

"No, i still want to wake up in the morning to drink my soy sauce coffee." Tecchou bluntly replied.

"SOY-SAUCE-FUCKING-WHAT." the transparent boy was in shock, disbelief.. he was in pure agony. how could anyone put soy sauce in coffee?!

Tecchou just smirked in enjoyment seeing the other's dramatic reaction, making a little 'heh' sound. which irritated the transparent boy even more.

saihiro/suegiku shiz but idk how to writeWhere stories live. Discover now