Chapter Eighteen: Sasha Braus

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Three years ago

"You've really got the hang of stalking your prey, Elijah. I guess your mother really was a hunter, huh?"

I smile. Feeling glad that Sasha actually meant it that she wanted to make hunting together a regular thing. Just being out here like this reminds me of home. Not in a bad way, but more in a nostalgic way. I'm just happy to be doing this sort of thing with someone I can relate to. "Yeah. My Mother taught me everything I know."

Sasha smiles back. "She must've been a really good hunter. Though, you still need to master the art of sensing when prey is out there. I can see that you think too much, but it's more of a feeling than anything else. I don't know if I can really explain it." I can't help but chuckle at this whole thing. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. The way you say that just reminds me of her, you know?"

She giggles. "Really? What was she like as a hunter?"

"My mother was more of a lone wolf when it came to a hunt, but sometimes she brought her 'little cub' with her." I point at myself. Causing Sasha to laugh even more.

"She used to call you that?"

"Only on our hunting trips, I didn't mind it. It wasn't as bad as my other-" I cover my mouth. Hoping she won't pry on what I was about to say. Unfortunately, Sasha's learned to read me like a novel. She smirks at me as she puts two and two together.

"Oh? She had another nickname for you? What was it?"

"... 'My sweet boy.'" I look away from Sasha, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I never told anyone this before, not even Eren, Armin, or Mikasa. So why am I telling Sasha of all people? What she did next took me a little off guard though. Instead of laughing like I thought she would... Sasha just smiles at me.

"Sounds like she really loved you, Elijah."

I smile back. "She did." Before I get in too deep with my feelings. I decided to change the subject. "What about you, Sasha? What's your village like?"

"Oh... The people of my village have been hunters for generations. I just kind of learned everything when I was a kid. It just came to me."

"That's really cool how it's been passed down. It's important to keep traditions alive."

"You bet it is! Huntin' was our forefathers' way of life back in the day. It's how our village survived. ...Oh!"

What was that? I've never heard Sasha talk like that before. It's kind of how my mother used to talk when I was a kid. Why was it...kind of cute? Though Sasha looks... embarrassed? "Are you okay, Sasha?"

The girl just turns away from me, barely looking at me as she scratches the back of her head. "Um... I-I think we should be getting back before it gets dark. We were so wrapped up in the hunt that we didn't notice how late it's gotten, huh, Elijah? Haha..."

Myself who's still confused yet curious. "Is that how everyone in your village speaks?"

Sasha looked away from me again, but not before I saw a faint color of red grow on her cheeks. "Sorry? What? I just got my words mixed up, that's all." She's acting a little weird about this. "We better hurry. It really will be dark soon." She starts to make her way out of the forest, leaving me more confused.

"Yeah...let's head back."


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