-Chapter 010-

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Once I approach Hawkins Middle, I was completely blown away.

The boys were dressed up in Ghostbusters costumes.

What the fuck.

''Aren't you guys cute?'' I tease with a smirk.

''Oh, for the love of god!'' Dustin groans aloud. ''You didn't dress up either?''

''Didn't have the time.'' I shrug.

Dustin brings a hand up to his face in annoyance.

I zoned out most of Mr. Clarke's class; with my head rested on the desk.

If I had my way, I'd have skipped school again but that would've been the third time this week.

The Principal even threatened to suspend me!

My head snaps up as I hear the school bell.

The students rise to their feet and I feel a hand touch mine.

I glance over to find Dustin.

''Should we invite Max for Trick or Treating?'' He randomly asks.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion to this abrupt question.


He pulls me to my feet and drags me out into the hall as Lucas follows.

''There.'' Lucas whispers as he points to a red-head at her locker.

We approach her but she was yet to notice us.

Dustin clears his throat to get her attention.

She turns around to meet our gaze.

''Hi, Max. I'm Dustin and this is Lucas and---'' Dustin introduces us, but gets cut off.

''Yeah, I know. The stalkers.'' Max comments, as she stares at us.

''We weren't stalking you.'' Lucas denies.

''We were just concerned, y'know, because you're new and all.'' Dustin lies.

''Yeah, for your safety!'' Lucas adds.

''There are a lot of bullies here.'' Dustin says.

''Mean.'' I add.

''Is that why you're wearing proton packs?'' Max asks sarcastically as she eyes their costumes.

''Well- These don't function, but! I do have this handy dandy trap here.'' Dustin reaches and grabs the trap.

I sigh as he was getting distracted.

''And, look! It even opens and closes.'' Dustin shows her.

Max just stares at it with a blank expression.

''Anyway, we were talking last night,'' Dustin tells her. ''And you're new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick or treating. And you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking, it'd be okay if you came with us.''

''It'd be okay?'' Max repeats.

''Yeah! Our party's a democracy, and the majority voted that you could come.'' Dustin replies with happiness hinting in his voice.

''I didn't realize it was such an honor to go trick or treating with you!'' Max sarcastically says.

''Yeah! I mean, we know where to get the full sized candy bars, we figured you'd want in.'' Dustin brags.

''That's presumptuous of you.'' Max says.

''Totally!'' Dustin replies, oblivious to what she meant.

I roll my eyes. 

''What Dustin is trying to ask is, would you wanna come trick or treating with us?'' I ask her.

She still doesn't reply.

''So, you'll come?'' Dustin asks with a hopeful smile.

Max rolls her eyes, and begins walking away.

''We're meeting at the maple street cul de sac at seven o'clock!'' Dustin yells to her, as she disappears from our line of sight.

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We were fifteen minutes in on Trick or Treating.

Something tells me Max won't show up. 

''Oh god, give me a break.'' Mike groans.

''Seriously, I can eat a whole bowl of nougat, straight up--'' Dustin defends.

Something or someone cuts me thoughts off.

A figure lunges at us, causing us to jump back in fright.

I let out a loud gasp as I back away and accidentally knock Mike down.

The figure takes it's disguise off. It was Max.

She came after all.

''Holy shit!'' Max chuckles. ''You should've seen the looks on your faces.''

Mike scoffs at her as he stood up.

She then glances at Lucas. ''And you? Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl!''

Max starts to walk away.

''Yeah, Lucas. You sound like a little girl.'' I tease to his embarrassment.

Max turns around. 

''Hey, you guys coming or not?''

We quickly rush after her.

''Another full size.'' Dustin comments in awe. ''Like, seriously, the rich people are suckers.''

''Wait, you aren't rich, right?'' Dustin adds.

''No. I live up Old Cherry Road.'' Max replies.

''What's your address? Maybe we could hang out sometime?'' I ask.

''4819 Cherry Lane.'' Max replies with a smile.

''Oh, Tubular.'' Dustin exclaims.

I slowly turn to him with a confused expression.

''No, you say it like this, Totally Tubular!'' Lucas imitates a surfer.

''Stop! My ears are hurting.'' Max giggles along their antics.

''Don't kill the girl!'' I joke alongside of Max.

Mike suddenly separates from us, running.

''Mike?'' I run after him, as the others follow.

We find Will, hugging his knees, hyperventilating.

My eyes widen with worry.

''Will!'' Mike grabs Will's shoulders. ''What's wrong?''

''Holy SHIT!'' Dustin curses in bewilderment.

''What happened? Are you hurt?'' I ask Will as I approach him.

Will says nothing.

Mike puts his hand out to stop me.

''I'm gonna get you home, okay?'' Mike wraps his arm around Will's waist, helping him up.

''Keep trick or treating.'' Mike spoke before glaring at Max. ''I'm bored anyways.''

''What was that?'' Max asks with a concerned expression.

''He gets these episodes sometimes.'' I thought this was normal.

Will's fine.

𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙛𝙚𝙢!  𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙭 𝙈𝙖𝙮𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙙Where stories live. Discover now