Hades to Persephone

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I sensed you before I saw you

the sugar flavor of meadow wrapped

nectar in the air and my eyes searched

for its source your face the essence

of what I had been waiting for

all those cold and lonely years

my family had made me the guardian

of Elysian and hell until you stepped

into my world like a galaxy bursting

in front of an astronomer's telescope

tell me with all those speckles

on your skin did anyone tell you that

you are a constellation waiting to be loved

and explored

did the bumbling River-Gods

who tried to court you ever understand

that you were destined for so much more

I saw you Spring- Goddess

restless in your loneliness

pulling at crimson flowers to watch them die

wondering if immortality was worth anything

if you were powerless to have any control

over your fate or your destiny

come now tell the truth

I saw you rattle invisible chains

of smother

of boredom

and of too much comfort

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