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Heeeelllllooooo~! This is my first huntlow book! I will do request here are the rules!


Alternate Universes: like for example Golden Garden aka Hunter and Willow date while he is the golden guard. Or switched roles stuff like that! (Comment on this if you want that!)

Headcanons: I can do transfem/transmasc Hunter or Willow! I can do many headcanons like Hunter/Willow having autism/adhd/etc... (comment on this if you want that!)

Fluff: comment on this one if you want fluff!

Angst: (Heavy Angst like death is allowed to!) comment on this one if you want angst

Smut: (or light smut such as making out or just heavy kissing/hints, PM me if you want smut pls!!)

Just ask if you want to stay anonymous! if not I will do a shoutout to your pfp when you request! :D <3 


I will do only do huntlow on this oneshot request!

I am working on a Lumity/Raeda/Edriney/other ships i agree with oneshots! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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