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The joyous occasion of Osman's birth brought the entire imperial family together in celebration. Nergissah Sultan, having given birth to her "miracle baby," named so due to the circumstances of her advanced age, was surrounded by her relatives, each eager to welcome the newest member of the family.

Sultan Beyazid, always attuned to the significance of names, chose to name his cousin Osman. As he cradled the newborn in his arms, he whispered the adan, a sacred call to prayer, into Osman's ear—a tradition that marked the beginning of a child's connection with their faith and culture.

The room echoed with joy and laughter as family members took turns holding and admiring the little Osman. Gevheri Valide Sultan, with a radiant smile, observed the gathering, her heart filled with happiness at the sight of her family coming together for this special moment.

The birth of Osman symbolized not only the continuation of the imperial lineage but also the interconnectedness of the family's legacy. It was a reminder that, despite the challenges and intrigues that often defined court life, moments of joy and unity could still flourish within the hallowed walls of the palace. The imperial family, bound by blood and history, celebrated this new addition with a sense of shared joy that transcended the complexities of their roles and relationships.

Beyazid's heart skipped a beat as Gülbahar Sultan, the mother of his son Orhan and daughter Mihrimah, fainted while attempting to excuse herself from the celebratory dinner. The joyous atmosphere instantly turned into one of concern and urgency.

Without a moment's hesitation, Beyazid rushed to Gülbahar's side, his expression a mix of worry and determination. He gently cradled her in his arms, whispering words of reassurance as he carried her to a more secluded area, away from the prying eyes of the gathered guests.

Gevheri Valide Sultan, sensing the gravity of the situation, directed the attendants to fetch the palace physicians immediately. The air in the room became tense, and a hushed silence fell over the assembly as they anxiously awaited news of Gülbahar's condition.

Beyazid, his concern deepening, held Gülbahar close, his eyes searching hers for any sign of awareness. The bond between them, forged through shared moments and the joy of parenthood, made her well-being paramount to him.

As the physicians arrived and began their examination, the tension in the room grew. The imperial family, just moments ago reveling in the birth of Osman, now faced the uncertainty of Gülbahar's health, a stark reminder of the fragility of life within the palace walls.

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room as the physician delivered the news that Gülbahar Sultan was not suffering from an ailment but was, in fact, expecting a child. Beyazid's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and immense joy. The weight that had momentarily burdened the celebratory atmosphere lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of happiness.

Beyazid couldn't contain his delight as he looked down at Gülbahar, his hands gently cradling her abdomen. A radiant smile graced his face, and his eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratitude and anticipation. The news of a new addition to their family brought a wave of joy not only to him but to the entire imperial family.

Gevheri Valide Sultan, who had been standing nearby, shared in the happiness. She extended a hand to gently touch Gülbahar's shoulder, expressing her relief and joy for the concubine who held a special place in Beyazid's heart.

The room, once filled with worry, transformed into a space of celebration once again. The family members exchanged smiles and congratulatory words, and the news of Gülbahar's pregnancy became the highlight of the evening.

As the joyful atmosphere enveloped them, Beyazid couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the well-being of his loved ones. The unexpected turn of events had shifted the focus from potential crisis to the anticipation of a new life, and the imperial family embraced the moment with open hearts and uplifted spirits.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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