01. Seeking A Sister

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A knock sounded and, a moment later, the door to the office of the shipping company's director was pushed open and a nervous secretary stuck his head into the room.

"Um...Sir? There's someone here to see you and—"

"Not now!" the man inside the office barked. "I'm busy!"

"But, Sir—"

"I said not now!"

The voice was more than loud enough to hear it from where I stood outside the office. Cocking an eyebrow, I exchanged a mirthful look with my husband. Well, at least it was mirthful on my part.

"I have to admit, the next part is always rather amusing. We should tour your companies more often."

"We can do that," he agreed, his face unmoving. "But next time, not to find my missing sister."

My smile dropped instantly. "No. Not for that."

"Speaking of which—let's not waste any more time." Striding forward, Mr Rikkard Ambrose pushed past the stammering secretary and slammed open the door.

"What do you think you are doing? I said I am not to be dis...dis..." The director's voice trailed off for a moment, before it came back as a timid squeak. "B-boss?"


"W-what can I d-do for you, boss? The shipping company is entirely at your disposal. If you need to travel somewhere—"

"I don't need a ship," Mr Ambrose cut the other man off ruthlessly. "I need information. There is a woman I'm looking for, and I require you to provide me with all your passenger lists for the ships that departed during the last ten days. Right now."

"Naturally, Sir. Naturally." Even from outside the office, I could practically hear the sound of boots being licked. "Although, if you are looking for female company, there are other, far more convenient ways for a man of your status, Sir. I know an establishment for gentlemen in this area that caters to every taste imaginable. May I ask what kind of woman you are looking for, Sir?"

"My sister." The voice of Mr Rikkard Ambrose could not have been icier if he had frozen his vocal cords. "I am looking for my sister."

Deathly silence spread through the office. I decided that this was the perfect moment to make my appearance. Sticking my head through the doorway, I gifted the man behind the desk with a beaming smile. "And I'm his wife. Hello there!"

The rest of the colour drained from the man's already ashen face, and he slumped forward, his face landing on the desk with a thump.

"Sir? Sir!" the secretary exclaimed and rushed forward. After a moment of checking on his boss, he hurried out the door. "Somebody! Somebody fetch smelling salts!"

"See what I mean?" One corner of my mouth twitched. "Amusing. We'll definitely do this tour again."

Once the poor man was awakened and discovered that, unfortunately, his recent experience had not been a bad dream, we quickly discovered that Adaira had not come to this particular shipping company. Just as she had not seen fit to use the last five we had visited.

"What if she went to another harbour city?" I fretted. "Or what if she went to one of your competitors? Not all shipping companies in the world belong to you, you know. Just most of them."

"One, my men are already checking that. Two, I will politely enquire with my competitors as to whether my sister was among their passengers." His eyes darkened. "I would like to see the man who refuses to answer."

To be honest, so would I. Extraordinary courage was always something worth seeing.

"Well..." Sidling up to him with a smile, I nodded towards the door. "Then let's not keep those lucky people waiting, shall we?"

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