12. Family Reunion

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For the next few months, nothing happened.

Seriously. Nothing whatsoever happened. Well, unless waves lapping against the ship and sailors tugging at ropes counted as something worth reporting. In hindsight, I really had to congratulate myself on the excellent idea of renting a luxury yacht. If I hadn't, this journey would have turned into a torturous tour of boredom and anxiety. But as things stood, the trip was turning out to be quite the relaxing holiday. My husband, my baby boy and my favourite sister-in-law all on one ship, along with lots of delicacies, chocolate and free time?

Heaven on earth.

Of course, there was that little voice at the back of my mind telling me that this was the calm before the storm. However, it didn't really bother me. Rather, it filled me with mounting anticipation. Maybe, over the years in Mr Rikkard Ambrose's service, I had gotten a little bit addicted to the taste of adventure. And if I could help the girl I considered my sister find love in the process, all the better.

"Land ahoy! Land ahoy!"

The shout from the crow's nest awoke me in the early hours of the morning. Blinking in the sudden sunlight, I struggled out of bed and, completely ignoring any insignificant obstacles in the way (such as my husband), I rushed to the nearest porthole.

The lookout was right. In the light of the rising sun, I could see a faint outline on the horizon even from down here. There really was land ahoy! Very little land, but definitely land.

Yes! After months and months of sea travel, we're finally here!

"Is that..."

"The island of Agatti," came a cool voice from behind me that almost made me jump out of my skin. Startled, I whirled around and found myself face-to-face with Mr Rikkard Ambrose. "Thank you for the loving wake-up call, by the way." Moving his hand up to his stomach, he touched the spot where a footprint in my size happened to be visible. "It is always gratifying to know how much my wife appreciates me."

"Um...you're welcome." I cleared my throat—then gave him an impish grin as my eyes slid to his nether regions. "Would you like me to go a little lower next time?"

The look I received in response was as far from impish as a shark was from a salted sardine. "Don't. You. Dare."

"Don't worry. Somehow, I think I won't have to." With a wink, I turned to the chest that contained my clothes and started dressing. "We're about to meet your 'agent' after all."

For some reason, Mr Rikkard Ambrose didn't look very happy at that reminder. Too bad. As his secretary, reminding him of his appointments was my duty, after all.

"Shall we?" Buttoning up the last few buttons of my dress, I kindly offered my arm to him. "Knowledge is Power is Time is Money, after all."

A muscle in his cheek twitched. "Now of all times you decide to learn the virtue of punctuality?"

"Better late than never, right?"

"Hm. I suppose." Linking his arm with mine, he gave a curt nod. "Let's go."

Together, we stepped out onto the deck. Outside, we found an excited Adaira who seemed like she was about to jump overboard and swim towards the island ahead, and a dour-looking Karim, who seemed like he was about to do the same in the opposite direction.

"Ah, Karim, good morning! Looking forward to seeing your mother?"

The glower he sent my way in response was truly impressive. "Are you looking forward to a boot up your behind, Sahiba?"

"Tut-tut..." With a sad face, I gave the bodyguard a disapproving shake of the head. "What do you think your dear mother would say if she heard you talking about a married woman's derrière?"

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