Chapter 3

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*Maretime bay museum *

Hitch yelled:" ok everypony lift on the count of three 1...2...3 *lifts up glass with Rufus and Delilah  *

Sunny smiled as she was sweeping the dust off she saw the museum Staff placing a bell in a glass container with a do not touch sign

Sunny raised a eyebrow she looked at Hitch and asked:" hey Hitch what up with the bell

Hitch looks at the bell and said:" don't know all I can tell it's really old like longer than when Equestria was around

Sunny rolled her eyes and said:" It's a bell it can't be that important

Museum staff spoke:" ahh you two wondering about this bell

Sunny saw a stallion with glasses he smiled and said:" this bell is to be the age of when Equestria was known as the pony land age

Sunny asked:" Pony land age ?

The museum stallion nodded and said:" yes a long time before Princess Celestial and Luna was born Ponyland was home to many creatures lead by a Ram who hated the ponies and wanted to enslave them and their magic and he took the powers by this magical bell

Sunny was interested she heard of a magical ram that her father told her something with a G...

Hitch rolled his eyes and said:" the Ram of Tambalon is just a old pony tail for filly and colts to scare them plus the Chronicles of Chalvala is more believable trust me Zipp been reading me those books were on chapter 480 on the chavalapidia on werewargs

Sunny rolls her eyes and said:" Chavala is a fantasy book series Hitch but this does look like something a ram may where

After Hitch put up the glass wall and went to sunny and look at the Bell he said:" I still think it's not true a Ram taking over old Equestria seems unlikely

As Hitch left Sunny nervously laughed and said:" sorry about Hitch he just doesn't believe in the lack of evidence

The museum pony smiled and said:" oh it's not a problem at all ponies just have their opinions and he is correct we are going to do some testing on the bell later in the day to actually make sure it is the bell if not we just have it in storage for later

Sunny smiled and nodded she swept up the rest of the dust and dumped it in the garbage bin and headed out

* Canter Ave Cafe*

Zipp and Pipp we're talking waiting for Hitch and Sunny after they were done helping clean the museum

Pipp smirks and says:" so how being half queen and half detective now sis

Zipp smiles and says:" it's okay but I'm just glad everything is back to normal now Just sad to see Flora leave but she had her duty

Pipp smiled and said:" yeah same here but other than that how's u and hitch doing

Zipp smiles and says:" well it been like it always is oh and he and I been reading my old filly books

Pipp looks shocked and said:" the chronicles of Chalvalaia wow

Zipp smiles and says:" I know little bit too much but it's good we're on chapter 480 of the werewargs

Zipp was talking about them as Pipp rolled her eyes and as Zipp said:" it turns out the the Wargs always have a pack leader like...

Hitch spoke:" like the Timber wolves

Zipp and pipp saw Sunny and Hitch Pipp smiled and said:" Sunny, Hitch come on over we save you some seats

Hit sat next to Zipp and he winks at her as she rolls her eyes and smiles at him

Sunny smiles and says:" so I heard you were telling Hitch about the books you read

Zipp chuckled and said:" ahhh yeah ha ha

Hitch smiles and says:" hey their good books and they do have the Troggle's on page 344 of the chavalapidia

Zipp smiles and says:" hey fantasy books are still good

Sunny smiles and says:" well their is something at the museum

Pipp raised her eyebrows and said:" what do u mean

Sunny smiles and says:" it's a Bell from the old ponies before the two sisters were made

Pipp looked confused Hitch was of course unimpressed but Zipp was interested she said:" oh we are definitely going

Pipp rolled her eyes and said:" it's a Bell

Sunny smiled and said:" but a magic bell

Hitch sighed and said:" but they are running test right

Sunny nodded she said:" they are but please come

Hitch saw both Zipp and Sunny excitement he said:" fine I'll come

Pipp rolled her eyes the two smiling mares we're happy to get this

* Tambalon Castle *

Bray lantern sways as he walks through the chambers Opaline seeing the old castle she looks uneasy

Opaline spoke so what about that spider

Bray spoke:" My master tamed it long ago very long ago it eats any trespassers on this island but it prefers to have easily prey then some magical alicorn

Opaline walks she saw a giant organ she gulps and she walks to where a large door was Bray open it she saw the throne room

Bray spoke:" master I brought the Pony Master

The voice spoke:" leave us Bray

Bray gulps and said:" but Master I think it's best for me to...

The voice roared:" LEAVE...

Bray gulps and slowly backs away and closes the door

Opaline heard large hoofsteps she then saw blue fur and around his neck was a red satchel but to her she saw the red eyes  and horns this she knew was the ram of Tambalon she gulps and says Grogar you came back... It my honor to meet you I Opaline Arcania welcomes you

Grogar spoke coldly:" I welcome myself now that we have met answer me this Alicorn

Opaline saw chains around him she saw him sat on his throne he spoke:" we're is my Bell

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