Chapter 20

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* Few months *

Zipp was finishing up writing down on her journal she closed it and then she heard Hitch yelling:" Zipp...I need a little help heeeeeere

Zipp turned around and saw Zephyrina Bolt flying with Hitch dragging behind her Zipp snickers and spoke:" I guess you do huh sheriff

Hitch said as Zephyrina Bolt was still dragging him along:" I didn't know that Pegasus fillies have this much energy

Hitch let's go as Zephyrina Bolt laughed and she bumps into Zipp and she laughs as Zipp hugs her

Zipp smirks as Hitch panted and walks toward them and said:" nice catch * gasp * as always

Zipp rolled her eyes and said:" like you had any doubts sheriff

Zephyrina Bolt laughs and Hitch smirks and said:" well she think so as well just let me get Sparky and will meet up with Pipp and the rest to the ceremony

Zipp nods she heard the castle door open and she see Pipp and her mom walking in she looked surprised and said:" mom , Sis I thought you guys were at the ceremony courts

Pipp smiled and said:" well I'm not going to miss seeing you and Hitch with Sparky and Zephyrina Bolt

Heaven smiles and says:" same here and my hoofness she grown

Pipp looks back and said:" but also Healer wanted to see you

Healer walks he was old and had a cane he smiles and says with a bow:" hello queen Zipp and Princess Zepherina

Zipp smiles and says:" Healer I maybe a queen but you're my friend you don't need to

Healer chuckles and says:" hmmm maybe not but we Troggle's came to you for the ceremony and something else

Zipp saw the seriousness in Healer eyes she said to Zepherina Bolt can you go with auntie Pipp and Grandma Heaven sweetie

Zephyrina Bolt nods and she and Pipp and Heaven left

Zipp looks at Healer and said:" is everything ok

Healer spoke:" I came to tell you the Troggle's are wanting to move back in our lands back to Tambalon

Zipp blinks and says:" so you be leaving

Healer sighed and said:" it is true I'm afraid

Zipp could also hint sadness she said:" something else is their

Healer looks at her then said:" yes but it's best not to say it

Zipp nods her head Healer spoke:" will watch your ceremony until then will leave

Zipp could only just nod her head

* the town hall *

Dazzle Feather spoke:" breaking news it been months sense Grogar return Zephyr heights and everpony is back helping making buildings from old zephyr heights damages

Skye Silver spoke:" and with this Queen Zipp declare that this would be known as The Great Unity as Everypony and creature try to help stop this deadly threat from happening

Dazzle Feather spoke:" oh and here they come out with the Princess Zephyrina Bolt

Zipp spoke on the Intercome:" Hello everpony as we all know this is the 1st month of The Great Unity this the celebration of everypony and creature for us we stood together and fight to defend equestria

* memory as Zipp spoke *

Healer looks at the shadow creatures that was still attached to the chariot the bell ran as a beam hit the creature changing them back

Onyx , Windy, Thunder, and Delilah they looked shocked and happy

Windy saw Posey she ran happy and they hugged each other

Thunder saw Zoom he saluted her as she hugged him making him looked surprised the he smiled and hugged her back

Healer smiled and used it on the others as some was racoonacorns and Pegasails but the other s were 5 black liquids burning away and knew who they were

* end of memories *

Zipp smiles and says:" we did it together in unity and we protected each other friends

Misty, Pipp, Sunny , Izzy smiles at her

Zipp spoke:" family

Heaven and Alphabittle smiles at her and gave Heaven a tissue

Zipp spoke the last words:" and finally the New generation of us ponies

Zephyrina bolt looks at Zipp and smiles with Hitch smiling at her and Sparky laughing

Zipp looks ahead and saw Healer and he slowly smiles at her she said:" and for every creature to help us in need

The ponies cheered and stomp their hooves as they cheered Zipp

* hallway *

Zipp walks and saw Healer she noticed the metal arm was gone she looked and Healer spoke:" we decided to go back to our homeland to protect the bell

Zipp spoke:" so you're going to...

Healer shook head no and said if you are in danger thy Troggle's will come to defend your land but now It's time for my last ceremony

Zipp asked:" will I see you

Healer blinks then said:" I am always here princess in ur mind and in your heart

Zipp knew what the answer meant she hugged Healer he smiled and panted her head then said:" don't be sad little mare

Zipp sniffed and said:" I won't forget you Healer

Healer smiled and said:" I won't either

Healer hugged Zipp then as they let go Healer gave her a box and spoke:" to know I'm their with u

Zipp took it she saw him leave she whispered:" forever in unity

* Tambalon *

Healer walked and stop and Troggle watch as Healer holds the case as he spoken words as other Troggle's chanted Healer walks as the Troggle's stopped chanting

Healer said:" my brothers I have chosen myself as the one to keep the bell in my site forever with this I have cursed it my brother you know what it must be done

Healer grab a root the Troggle's looked down

Healer spoke:" my last wish is that u do not attack the ponies forever and never bring me back

The Troggle's nodded their heads

Healer spoke calmly:" alright then

The Healer went into the hole and sat down Healer looks at the root and at it

The Healer holds the bell as the body was waiting Healer felt stiff then the breathing slowed

Healer took one last breath as Healer remembers Zipp the friends the ponies then spoke:"thy roots end here * skin began to turn to dust* goodbye my friends

*Zephyr heights*

Zipp walks into the room she saw something she noticed it was Healer metal arm she could only smile and she said:" Goodbye my friend

Zipp heard her friends talking she had a case near her she placed the metal hand gently and she said:" will see each other again somewhere and someday My friend

The End

A/N:" thank you all for reading my story it has been amazing that this series was thanks to all of you I do have some other stories in my mind a G5 infection story , G4 grimdark , and others that I haven't finished again thank you all

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