Chapter 12

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Zipp looks at Zephyrina Bolt in shock

Zephyrina Bolt spoke:" oh your in shock how nice

Zipp speaks:" your my... My daughter

Zephyrina Bolt smiles:" by birth no but by creation yeah I guess so

Zephyrina Bolt smiles and said:" But Oh it's good to finally meet you one of me

Zipp spoke:" if you are one of me then you do have some good in you

Zephyrina bolt spoke with gritted teeth:" I maybe have the flesh of you but I am never you

Zipp narrow her eyes and said:" but you are a part of me and your also a part of Hitch we can help you

Zephyrina Bolt narrow her eyes and said:" I am not you I am loyal to my creator and it's not u

Zipp saw water came down on Zephyrina Bolt

Pipp yelled:" and that for my mother

Zipp saw Zephyrina Bolt wet body but their was no sizzling burns just a damp pony

Pipp was confused she said:" but water was supposed to destroy them

Zipp saw Zephyrina Bolt growled and said:" You think you can defeat me by just water

Pipp gulps and said:" um ah yes

Zephyrina Bolt growls and said:" why you little

Hitch yells:" stop right there

Zephyrina Bolt turns and saw Hitch surfing he Jumps down and said:" let her go

Zephyrina Bolt gritted her teeth and she said:" two over one

Sunny yells:" your wrong

Zephyrina Bolt saw Sunny Alicorn form her eyes narrow and glowing

Zephyrina Bolt snarled and she then felt a vine wrap around her wings and legs she saw Hitch standing he said:" let Zipp go

Zephyrina Bolt grunted and said:" I don't follow your orders * smirks * Father

Hitch ears went back and said:" wha...what

Zephyrina Bolt smiles and said:" don't be too hard on yourself father don't you se the resemblance in us

Hitch looks at her and then Zipp

Pipp spoke:" that can't be true you and Zipp don't have a filly

Sunny spoke:" will talk to her in the cell

Two Troggle's came out and the lifted her up

Hitch saw Izzy getting Zipp out she had to Drag her out as shock was still in her and in Hitch's eyes

Sunny Alicorn magic disappeared she groaned and said:" that was something * see Zipp in shock still:" Zipp are u ok

Zipp just said:" I don't know * begins to fall but Hitch and Izzy Catches her

Hitch spoke:" she in shock we need medical help

The MareStream came as the Two Troggle's blindfolded Zephyrina Bolt and took her in the MareStream

Healer spoke:" make sure the anti earth pony magic is tight on her

The Troggle's nodded and went inside and put them on her

Healer went to Zipp and said:" my queen are you ok

Hitch spoke:" she getting into shock

The Healer looks at her and her eyes were looking at the Healer

The Healer blinks then nodded and said:" come we must get her to safety

Hitch, Izzy, Pipp and Sunny walked with her Pipp seen Zipp anxious before but not like this

Healer and the rest of the ponies left as they headed to Zephyr Heights

*Grogar castle*

So the mimic left our group hmm :" Grogar spoke
with interest

Anti Hitch said:" yes Grogar

Grogar rub his beard and he said:" she seems smart then you all

Grogar growled:" them ponies my have taken my time and my resources but no that I have the book I can soon be at my highest power

Grogar chuckles the laughs evilly

* zephyr heights medical attention unit*

Queen Haven was looking up she heard a voice:" Mom

Queen Heaven looked and saw Pipp and Izzy

Queen Heaven smiling she knew this was her little filly she said in a raspy voice:" Pipp my dear and Izzy I'm so glad your ok

Pipp smiles and says:" how are you doing

Queen Heaven smiles and said:" the doctor said I was lucky Alphabittle was their to get me in time and I only took a few minutes of smoke * cough * but what where those things

Izzy spoke:" their Mimics that Healer said  they copy's other ponies and water melts them

Pipp gritted her teeth and said:" unlike that Zephyrina Bolt when I poured water on her she didn't melt it like she a actual pony

Queen Heaven coughed and said:" where is she...Where is Zipp

Pipp groaned and said:" She at the jail

* Zephyr heights maximum prison *

Zipp walks with Hitch and Healer to cell block the Zipp remember Borog cell

As they went inside Zipp saw Zephyrina bolt just standing there with a smile

Zephyrina Bolt spoke with a grin:"  well well I wonder when you're gonna visit me

Hitch spoke:" stop playing games

Zephyrina Bolt smirks and says:" games heh aren't to older for that

Zipp spoke angrily:" I don't care who you are what was that book and what does Grogar want with it

Zephyrina Bolt tsked and said:" yelling won't give you anything anyway mother

Zipp eyes glared at her

Zephyrina Bolt chuckle and said:" I know what you want * plucks her feathers * DNA from me  right

Healer spoke holding a tube :" put the feather in the tray

Zephyrina bolt did healer slid the feather into the tube and cap it

Zipp looks at Zephyrina Bolt and says:" me and you are going to have a talk if this DNA proves that me and Hitch are your then will chat and if not I hope you learn about your  mistakes

Zephyrina Bolt said:" oh I think I surprise you with this DNA see you soon mother

Zipp narrow her eyes and said:" I hope not

As the gate closes Healer spoke:" I let you know when the DNA test results come in

Zipp looks at him and said:" do you really think she is my daughter

Healer blinks and said:" Mimics are clones they source from one DNA

Zipp blinks then flinch as Hitch had her feather and his hair he said:" do ours as well I want to know as much

Healer nodded

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