Chapter 7

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Opaline holds the jar with Sunny fur , Izzy magic , Pipp saliva from her microphone, , Hitch wanted poster with his hoof print , Misty hair, and a crown of what Zipp had

Grogar smiles and says:" mmm perfect these samples are enough for my plan

Opaline saw a jar full of black ooze she asked:" those are grims

Grogar snorted and said:" close these are mimics a creature that are almost the same as changlings but more stronger and tougher and have a low tolerance for orders

Opaline spoke:" so what do the do mimics their voices

Grogar smiles and says:" I'm sure their friends won't tell the difference between them

Grogar placed Zipp Hair into on of the jars and the Mimic black string latches on

Bray wrapped it then placed it on a shelf and it placed a tape over it where a name logo would be at

Grogar spoke:" now I just need a small bit of fire

Opaline nodded her head and she set the shelf on fire she saw the Mimic spray on the jar as it broke and they fell to the ground

Grogar smiles then said:" now for the last ingredient Dark magic

Grogar place a hoof on his chest as yellow hue in a black bubble came down and landed on the mimic

Opaline watches in shock as the Mimic started rising up and making into a form of a pony two Pegasus, two unicorns and two earth ponies

Every mimic looked exactly like the 6 ponies but the three ponies that didn't look like Zipp, Misty and Pipp as Zipp had pink mane and blue highlights in her mane but this mimic had blue hair and pink highlights as her mane as for Misty she had her old hair style and she looked nervous
And lastly Pipp mimic had messy hair and coat but all had red eyes

Opaline spoke:" hmm seems like these Mimics were a dud

Opaline saw the 6 mimics blow raspberries at her she growled but Grogar spoke:" these Mimics are taken by how they would if they had no friendship or magic they are what I would say a anti sparkle

Opaline raised her eyebrows and said:" so they don't like friendship hmm

Anti Sunny smile:" who needs friendship * cracks a smile * its every pony for themselves is it not

Anti Hitch said:" and I would like love to make a mess of things I need it heh heh ha ha ha

Opaline smiles and says:" interesting the Mimics copy's themselves of their dark personality

Anti Pipp grunted and said:" oh come on I bet a good song will do nicely * mimic form poses and 4 headed bass guitar as she was about to play it

Grogar yells:" enough * horns glowed *

The mimics stopped their annoyed anger looking a Grogar

Grogar spoke:" you all are sounding like filly's and colts as I your creator I want nothing but you to listen to me and I promise u get what u want the most

The anti ponies looked at one another anti Zipp spoke first:" well what are names creator

Grogar smiles and said:"pick my dear and that's forever yours

Anti Zipp smiles and says:" I think I like Zepherina as it suits my right as the ruler of Zepher heights

Anti Pipp spoke:" Piptunia petals

Anti hitch spoke:" Snitch

Anti Sunny smiles:" I'll like mine name seems better

Anti Izzy:" mezzy as I like mine plans mezzy

Anti Misty spoke softly:" um just um Mitzi

Opaline raised her eyebrows and said:" so what now

Grogar smirks and says:" oh don't worry will just send them to Maretime bay and have them scout out *looking at Anti Zipp * see where somepony can rule

Anti Zipp smiled and said: hmm * eyes changed to a cyan blue* I like that

Grogar tosses her a necklace and he said:" keep this on you for communication

Opaline saw the other's eyes change to the same as they looked almost exactly like the 6 ponies

Grogar smiles as a red portal opens behind them the anti ponies walks in the portal and it closes

Opaline saw Grogar leaving she asked:" What happened if they are caught

Grogar narrow his eyebrows and then said to Opaline:" they know what happens if they fail me my dear

Grogar and Opaline walks to a giant mirror and they saw Maretime Bay

Grogar smiles and says:" seems like the Troggle's were here General Maugrim

General Maugrim spoke:" yes Master as well the ponies

Grogar snorted then the mirror shows the 6 ponies heading to the bright house with the Troggle's in tow

Grogar spoke:" run little ponies soon you be a slave to only me and your magic will be mine

Grogar laughs evilly out loud

* bright house* the Troggle's put many spears in the Bright House door keeping it locked

Healer spoke:" what ever happens do not open the door Grogar may already know that we where in his castle and with that his loyalties will surely hunt us

Zipp asked:" and will be ready for them Grogar or not we have magic

Healer spoke:" and magic is what he want I seen it from my past roots of Frondo and Borog I feel the pain from them and the pain of my past brothers had been under Grogar hoof it never gonna stop until we are nothing but his slaves every creature everything that moves until no magic is left but a Barron waste land just like Tambalon is now

The ponies looked at each other Misty spoke:" you mean Tambalon wasn't like it when we saw it

Healer blinks and says:" Tambalon was nothing but mountains and hills food of many fruits Frondo and Borog remember it magic in the roots where magical one fruit plucked turned the bud to a new one until Grogar came his bell made a castle we brought him food to live in peace but he had different things...

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