eight; lionesses eat vogels

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"So you quit, just like that?"

The woman standing opposite of her nodded her head, raising her cup of coffee -provided by Vickie in a cute white cup with flowers painted on it- to her lips and took a sip.

Vickie huffed, "How could you, Ally?!"

"You did it!"

"I'm not the one with the life saving job," she scoffed and pinned the fabric in her hands together with a safety pin. Cameron let out a small hiss as the needle accidentally bit into her skin. Vickie mumbled an apology before she took a step back to examine her human mannequin. She had originally asked Cameron over for a fitting of a new pantsuit Vickie was making for her, but the conversation had ventured to their former boss and why/how she quit.

Turned out, House did not need to fire any of his ducklings if he gave a speech that would boost a new drug made by Vogler's company. Initially, House had agreed to the terms but couldn't help himself once he was actually giving said speech. So, knowing that one of them now really had to go, Cameron offered herself up.

"It's not... it's not the entire reason why." Allison shyly admitted, both of her hands cupping her coffee as her eyelashes kissed her cheeks. Vickie hummed and raised her eyebrows as she took a step forward to adjusted a piece of fabric, "Oooh, you got gossip?"

Cameron took a deep breath, "I'm in love with him."

Vickie blinked as a huffed out laugh escaping her lips. "Well I know that, sweetie. What does it have to do with quitting?"

"What- well- I-"

"Need more time?"

"It hurt too much to be so close to him but not... with him, you know?" Cameron asked her, yet went on before Vickie could reply, "I thought quitting might be the best thing to get over him. He obviously doesn't feel the same."

Vickie sighed out through her nose. She stepped onto the little step-stool she used to work so she was on the same level as Allison -who was standing on an old apple box Vickie had found in an ally five years ago. "Listen to me, Ally," she said while cupping her friend' cheeks so she'd look her in the eye, "You are so much better than him. You have compassion and love and you are so, so smart. You're brilliant!"

A wet chuckle left the doctor's mouth and she reached up a hand to cup Vickie's hand on her face with her own. The Yun woman went on, "House is an egotistical, sarcastic, selfish ass, who needs to be knocked down five hundred pegs before he'll ever be able to reach the level of empathy that you have for patients," she heaved another sigh. "And I know that that's what makes him attractive, next to the fact that he's your boss and older and a fox-"

"Stop." Cameron laughed out, sniffing slightly from the tears lined at her eyes. Vickie gave a laugh as well, then leaned forward to kiss her friend on her forehead. "Let him go, Allison. He doesn't deserve you."

Cameron sniffed and gave a nod before she wiped at her eyes. She sent the Yun woman a grateful smile as Vickie stepped off the step-stool and started working on the pantsuit-in-progress that was still hanging loosely off of Cameron's frame. "I'm sorry."

Vickie looked up at her, "For what?"

She wanted to say, for being in love with the man you are so clearly in love with. She wanted to say, for being in love with the man who's so obviously in love with you.

Instead, Allison said, "For not being able to get you information on Vogler anymore."

"Oh," Scoffed Vickie, waving her hand. "Don't worry about that. I've got my sources."

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