9 [every closed door]

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"LIAR." THE GOVERNOR whispered to himself and in one swift motion, he swings the blade straight through Hershels neck like a baseball bat, my eyes go wide as blood paints his white beard red. His eyes go expressionless as his head tilts to the side on impact.

     Everyone on our side of the fence goes into shock, screams escape Maggie and Beths lips as they watch their father's head get hacked almost completely off with a katana.

     Tears fog my vision, though I didn't know Hershel very well, in ways he was like a father to the prison. He stepped up when hope was running low, he saved countless lives while risking his own in the process. He was a hero.

"No!" Rick screamed, raising his revolver as he begun shooting aimlessly, a bullet hitting the governors arms as gunfire exploded through the air, everyone soon doing the same.

Bullets flew across the Field as the Governors people began dropping, ammo dropping from my gun as a loud bang filled the air, hitting who knows what. I didn't even have a target, I just needed to shoot.

The Governor began hacking away at Hershels face with the same katana he used to finish him off out of an act of pure cruelty.

      Shots echoed through the air, bombs flew into the prison I once called home for many months. It already seemed like an echo of its older self.
Some of the once sturdy walls reduced to rubble on the ground.

My gun had ran out of ammo, it was times like these I wish I could go back inside and grab my bow, but I knew I was safer out here than in there where I could be bombed any moment.

"Vivian?" A small voice shouted from behind me, making my heart sink down into my feet.
I whipped my head around to see Rosie, on the verge of tears as she quickly walked up to me.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" I scold, running up to her after dropping my gun on the floor. She instantly engulfed me in a quick hug.

"It doesn't matter, we have to get out of here." I say, shaking my head repeatedly as I try and clear my brain enough to conjure an escape plan through all the chaos.

As I looked ahead, I saw the Governor on top of Rick, beating him to a pulp.
I paused for a moment, Rick had provided everything for me I couldn't let him die like this, but on the other hand, if I try to help him im jeopardizing the safety of Rosie getting her so close to the violence.

Now the Governor was straddled on top him, his fingers wrapped around his neck so hard I could spot Ricks face turning a disgusting shade of purplish-red as he struggled below.

Walkers had begun pooling into the prison in reaction to all the gunfire, I then realized I had limited time to get Rosie out.

Suddenly, the tip of a katana pierced through the Governors chest, blood splattering across the grass. He fell limp beside Rick as Michonne pulled it out.

As I looked around, I realize almost everyone else had made the great escape while I was still standing in the middle of the fields, waiting for an opportunity.

Rick stood up, limping on his way to find whatever it was he was looking for.

Then she spotted me.

She began quickly walking towards Rosie and I, once she reached us she immediately tells us, "We gotta get out of here." She begins running in the opposite direction and we quickly follow her.

Rosie runs a bit slower than the rest of us, it doesnt matter at first until we're almost escaped through the woods and she's still waddling behind us, a small group of walkers approaching.

"Come on!" I beg, though my legs dont allow me to stop running.

I look back to our destination, so close I could taste it.
A small yelp catches my attention as my eyes go wide. I look back to Rosie who has been knocked onto her feet after tripping over a rock.

"Rosie!" I shout as the walkers behind us get closer and closer.

Right as she makes an attempt to scramble back to her feet, a walker kneels down next to her. My heart dropping in my chest as its decaying teeth sink into her neck, blood erupting from an empty patch of skin from her neck as her horrified screams fill the air.

"Rosie!" I shout, tears welling in my eyes as a pair of hands pulls me back as I try and run towards her.

"No!" I cry out.

"We have to go." Michonne mutters just loud enough for me to hear her, her voice shaking and wobbling despite her efforts to keep it strong.

More walkers pile on top of the girl until my view of her is blocked completely, I kicked and thrashed but Michonne kept pulling me away.

"Get off of me!" I demanded, my breath caught in my throat as tears fall from my eyes.

She forces me through the trees until the green leaves and bushed completely block my vision of the walkers feasting on my little sister.

Uhm I rewrote this like 5 times and even now its not perfect but basically Rosies dead. Shes dead dead dead dead dead.
ALSO wowie this is only 900 words? Damn sorru this is so short LOL
But yeah.


Infection ; carl grimesWhere stories live. Discover now