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()dream/vision state.

(I walked across an empty hall, with no light or sound except that of my breathing, a sort of haze in my sight around the peripheral of my vision. A bright light blinds me which dissipates to reveal a new setting, a Dwarvish Axe's blade embedded in stone with an almost divine hue along its double-edged blade however before I can look at the Axe closer a large cloud of black smoke blasts towards me forming the shape of a bald head with no nose which...)

Forced me out of the dream causing me to shoot up and startling Jade who had curled up on my chest during the night as she came over and nuzzled against my cheek to see what I was right. I look around to see the others are still asleep, checking the time I see it's only 5:30 in the morning. I attempted to fall back asleep but could not, so I stood and got dressed into my Robes and placed the necklace my parents gave me around my neck.

I checked the time and it was now 6:00 so I headed out of the boy's dorm to the common room, when I noticed that no one was up, I sat in one of the chairs by the fireplace and started fiddling with the sword on the necklace. Reading the inscription, I began getting lost in my thoughts when a voice spoke up from my left side.

" Good Morning Y/N"

I was a little shocked as I hadn't heard anyone else come into the common room, looking left I saw the smile of my bushy-haired friend Hermione as she looked towards my necklace.

"Good Morning Hermione."

She sat next to me on the chair like we had before despite the fact the other chair was free. She already had a book in her hands, after she noted the page she shut the book and looked at the necklace and I could see the confusion on her face at the runes on it. I pulled the chain over my head and handed the necklace to Hermione for her to look at.

"It's beautiful, but these markings. I recognize them but can't place it"

I smiled, glad to see one of my friends knowing something of my father's race.

"It was gifted to me by my parents before I left for Hogwarts, apparently they had bought it in Diagon a few weeks before"

I had to lie, at least for now I couldn't let slip the truth, that I am a half dwarf. That would bring a whole new level of torment if it made it to the pure bloods at Hogwarts.

"They said it was dwarvish in design but could not tell me anymore than that"

Hermione continued staring at the necklace until we heard footsteps from both sides and saw both Rose and Bjorn walk over to us. Rose joined Hermione in looking over my necklace when Bjorn came over and saw it. A look of recognition came over the eyes of Bjorn, almost as if he knew Dwarvish. Hermione handed back the necklace to me and Rose pointed out that we should head down to breakfast so we have time to find the class rooms for our first day.

We headed out of the Gryffindor common room and headed down the stairs to the great hall, where eggs, sausages, bacon and other breakfast items piled on plates across the tables, we sat further away from most of the Gryffindor students who were already here as we sat and talked as we ate our food..well Rose, Hermione and I talked Bjorn had filled his plate with bacon, sausages and eggs along with 6 slices of toast. The table began to fill with other more students, when Harry and Ron finally appeared, but the only seats were next to Bjorn and me.

Heir Of Hammerhel Half Dwarf Male Reader x Hermione Granger. (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now