Chapter 12: LOSS

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I sat in the common room with the others long after the rest of the students went to bed when Hermione looked up from the book I was reading and translating with her, I glanced up to meet her hazel eyes. I was so taken by her eyes that I was quite unprepared for what she said next.

"Snape was cursing both you and Harry well your brooms."

I glanced at Rose and Bjorn who nodded so I looked back at Hermione trying to get my head around it. Honestly I didn't believe for a second Snape would do such a least to me, Harry probably.

"Hermione I trust you but really Snape? Even he isn't stupid enough to curse students in full view of other staff..even if he's muttering."

Hermione actually looked slightly hurt that I didn't believe her but she quickly changed her expression to hide it. She slowly closed the book I had given her and stood up.

"I better go to bed. Only a few days till I go home for Christmas. So I better make sure I'm ready."

Before I could wish her a goodnight Hermione had turned and walked to her dorm room. Rose stood after sidehugging Bjorn 'Those two have gotten closer' I thought as she smiled slightly at me and went after Hermione.

"Never thought I'd see the day Hermione was even slightly upset with you"

"I know it's just after Snape pulled me aside after our first potions lesson I just don't believe he would be the one to curse either mine or Harry's broom."

Bjorn just stared at me for a moment and shook his head. Before also standing he reached into his pocket and dropped a letter on my lap.

"This came for you while you were in the infirmary Orsaria."

He turned and walked away. Although there was obviously something they weren't telling me. I couldn't help but think that maybe I should of been less dismissive of their theory but I shifted my focus to the letter on my lap, addressed to me in my father's Dwarvish handwriting.

~ My son, I am afraid I write to you with worse tidings over your grandfather's health. It was worse than we feared old age along with the illness has taken its toll and the healers have informed us...that he will not last another week.

I have already written to Dumbledore and he should have read his by now. You will return to Hammerhel before the holidays as to ensure your grandfather may see you before he passes.

We will see you upon your return my son.

Your Loving Father~

All that happened moments before was forgotten as I read the letter one more time to be sure. I sat in the armchair frozen, tears begining to well up again in my eyes but this time I would be dammed if anyone saw. I quickly cuffed them away and petted Jade who have come from the boys room via the gap that was left for her to get through.

"Mr Orsaria."

I turned at the sound of Professor McGonagall's voice and she had a sad smile upon her face as she saw the tears in my eyes begjn to form again. She smiled sadly and came over and put her hand on my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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