happy birthday

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James loved flying. He always felt so free, so light every time he pushed off the ground with his broomstick. He loved how it cleared his head, the feeling of wind carding through his hair, hitting his face. The wood beneath him, tight in his grip. He just loved it.James zoomed through the sky looking free of all worries and fears. Lapping around, flying up to the clouds, diving down only pulling up mere inches from the ground, performing other tricks, the brightest smile on his face. He looked so perfect in the sky, like it's where he belonged.Regulus could watch him flying forever. James always seemed so at peace flying, and it brought Regulus peace watching him. Oh how he loved his boy.'Hey love,' James greeted, giving him a quick kiss upside down. He would have stayed like that forever but the blood was now painfully in his head, forcing him to right himself, lest he pass out. 

He pulled away from Regulus, using momentum to flip from his broom landing perfectly on the ground.Regulus rolled his eyes at him fondly, ever the show off.'What?' James smiled, not quite reaching his eyes.'Your such a show off Potter.' Regulus said.'You love it.' James smiled, kissing him again.'Yes I do' he said, taking his hand as they walked off the pitch.James loved moments like this, where he and Reg could do things like this together just being themselves. They continued their walk to the castle together in a comfortable silence before Regulus realized he was late for something or other having to take off.'Astronomy tower tonight. Don't be late.' Regulus told him over his shoulder as he rushed off.'Wouldn't dream of it.' James muttered to himself.***When James got there Regulus was already leaning against the railing staring at the sky. James loved stargazing, the different constellations and names and the history behind them always interested him.

 But his favorite type of stargazing was with Regulus, more accurately watching Reg be himself.He slowly came up behind him, wrapping his arms around him gently but tightly. Regulus leaned back into him smiling softly. 'Hey Jamie.' James chuckled softly, 'Hey Reggie.'They stood like that for a while just enjoying each other's presence.'What's on your mind Jamie?' Regulus asked, softly.'Someone yelled at me for having trouble focusing today.' James said quietly.'What?!' Regulus nearly yelled, trying to turn to face James, but his arms held him in place. 'What happened?''I don't know. Some days it's just really hard for me to focus, I try really hard every day to focus and be normal and stuff, but it's just' James paused trying to figure out how to phrase this. 'Hard. It's just really, uh I, I just can't sometimes.''That's alright James. You don't need to pretend to be what you call normal, I love you just the way you are. Your silliness, your different interests, your difficulties focusing, your passion and love for everything and everyone you care about, your showing off, your mischief, your intelligence, your heart. 

I love it all James, I love you.' Regulus said, now facing him.He willed James to see his sincerity in his eyes. He needed to know that he truly meant it. 'I love you too.' James said softly, leaning down to capture his lips. They went back to stargazing after that neither knowing how much time had passed.Regulus thought it must be getting close to midnight by now. He looked down at his watch, 12:05. Perfect. 'Hey James.''Mmh''Happy Birthday Darling.'James looked a little confused. 'It's five past midnight meaning it's your birthday now. I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday.'James blinked a few times, frowning slightly. Had Regulus gotten the date wrong? No, James' birthday is the 27th. Was today actually the 27th or did he mix up his days.'Oh' James whispered softly. 'I forgot my birthday was coming up.''How come?''There's just been a lot going on lately, it didn't seem important.''James it's your birthday, of course it's important.'James smiled, placing a soft kiss on Regulus' lips before going back to staring at the sky. He was always so fascinated by the night sky and the stars poking their light through the pool of darkness.'I love how brightly they shine, lighting up the sky. It's so beautiful.' James said, turning to face Regulus, seeing him already watching him.

Regulus smiled softly at him. 'Oh darling, all of the stars in the sky couldn't shine as bright as your eyes.'James' eyes lit up impossibly more as Regulus brought his hands up to his face, holding him, gently rubbing his thoumb on his cheeks. James couldn't help himself, he brought his hands to Regulus' waist before leaning down and kissing him. After a few moments Reg pulled back, James whined a bit at the loss.'I have another surprise for you' Regulus said, gently removing the gold ring from his finger.'What's this?''You know the ring you gave me for my birthday two months ago' Regulus asked, James nodded slowly.

 'Well I figured you needed one as well.' He said holding his hand out. James placed his hand on top of Regulus' looking at him with so much love.Slowly, gently he placed the ring on the ring finger of James' right hand. Then he interlocked their fingers together, the rings bumping against each other.'καρδιά λιονταριών' Regulus muttered, Lions Heart. Words seemed to appear on the rings glowing ever so slightly. The silver ring glowing golden Greek words Αστέρι μου, Όλα τα λαμπερά αστέρια στο Σύμπαν δεν θα μπορούσαν ποτέ να συγκριθούν μαζί σου. Η αγάπη μου δεν θα πεθάνει ποτέ. My Star, All The Shining Stars in the Universe Could Never Compare To You. My Love Shall Never Die. The gold ring glowing silver Greek words Ο Ήλιος μου, πιο φωτεινός και πιο όμορφος από τα αστέρια, τον ήλιο και τη σελήνη. Η αγάπη μου δεν θα πεθάνει ποτέ. My Sun, Brighter and More Lovely Than The Stars, Sun, and Moon. My Love Shall Never Die.James smiled brightly, 'I love it. Thank you Reg' he whispered softly leaning in to capture his lips. 'I love you.' James whispered against his lips.'I love you too.' Regulus said, pulling back slightly, looking into his eyes. 'Happy Birthday Darling.' He said before kissing him again.


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