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Seeing the time on the computer I let out an exaggerated groan. It's already 4:50 and I haven't gotten any sleep working on..well. Nothing. With no one to fight, I have had no motivation to create anything. I've been trying, don't get me wrong, but everything I've been doing lately has been fixing things or adding to it. I just can't think of anything new to make.


I quickly looked over to where the sound came from, jumping up from my chair in response before relaxing a bit seeing that it was only Cream. She is sitting on my desk with her head tilted slightly watching me. Seeing the broken Beaker on the ground it was obvious as to what the sound came from. I took a deep breath, slightly frustrated with this encounter, and knowing I'd have to clean the mess up, I prepared myself before approaching the cat.

Not that I don't like cats. I admire how mysterious they can be and how they can set boundaries that a dog just can not. But cats, heck, any animal (except maybe squirrels) we're more Mikey's style. Even Raph is good with animals. But I am not. I don't know why they don't like me. I consider myself a pretty loving dude. But Cream in particular has always had some hidden hatred towards me. She is always messing with my stuff, and I swear, she always has a smug look on her face when she gets under my skin. Much like Raph. It's almost like she enjoys messing with me, and whenever I bring my concern to the others they just laugh it off. Mikey doesn't believe she has a single evil bone in her body, which is a complete lie. Cats were known worldwide to have at least some evil tendencies. And Leo and Raph don't believe a cat could do anything else but, in Raphs words, 'lick their ass and sleep in weird positions.' Rolling my eyes at the thought, I slowly walk towards her with my arms up as if I were approaching a lost kid.

Normally, I would go get Mikey to come get her to prevent any possible scratches I may receive. But I don't think he's been sleeping much as of lately, and waking him up for something as unimportant as this, is just not worth it. He hasn't been himself since..well. Since before Sensei passed. No one has. But as everyone else is beginning to heal and get better, Mikey seems to be getting worse... I catch him up almost every time I leave the lab, no matter what time it is. Or, at the very least, I can see his light glowing from under his door. Now that I'm thinking about it..is Mikey sleeping at all? I'm sure he is. I'm sure that he is just fine. I mean, who am I to question anything? I barely leave my lab. I normally only see him late at night or really early in the morning. And he has never been a morning turtle.

If anything he is probably just about completely healed by now. Not saying that he didn't love sensei or anything. Of course he did! But Mikey's..Mikey. He's always the first one to bounce back! Looking forward to what's to come instead of looking back at the past. It's one of the things I envy about my little brother. Something all of us envy.

"H-hey Icecrea-uh, I mean, Cream. Remember me? I'm the one who turned you back." I say nervously as I watch her tail go back and forth, going faster the closer I get. I don't know much about cats, but I do know that tail wagging either means one of two things. She's happy. Or she's not.

"Sooo, I haven't seen you in a while. Since I turned you back I think. I bet Mikey would love to see you. I'm sure he misses you." She tilted her head further before she jumped down off my desk and walked towards me. I subconsciously bring my hand up and rub the back of my neck. Why am I nervous? It's just a cat. Mikey's cat! The nicest mutant in existence. There's no way his cat would be actually evil right?



She looks up at me once she is close enough to my legs, making eye contact, before hissing loudly, causing me to step back in surprise only to stumble over my feet and fall to the ground.
As I was processing what had happened, she came up to me and licked my beak before running off. That was so weird. And very confusing... Was that her way of thanking me? Argh, whatever. I'm going to bed.

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