Her Goddess

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Tara walks into Willow's room and sees her redhead goddess sitting on the bed brushing her hair. Tara clears her throat to let Willow know that she's in the room, Willow looks up to see Tara standing in the doorway.

"Tara?" Willow says in a chipper/surprised voice. Chipper because she was happy to see her girlfriend after the breakup and making amends on their relationship after Willow had kicked her magic addiction, but surprised because she didn't think she would see her lover again so soon. They did have a brief conversation at the campus, but in Willow's opinion that didn't mean that they were back together again, that they were just speaking to each other again.

"Hey, Will," Tara said with a half smile. "Can we talk?"

Willow nodded and sat on the hairbrush down on the nightstand and then motioned for Tara to sit next to her on the bed. Tara joins her on the bed and Willow says, "What's up?"

"I wanted to tell you something, but now I say screw it and can we just forget everything, can't I just be kissing you," Tara stated Willow pulled Tara to her and they started kissing and one thing led to another before they realized what was happening they ended up making love.


Dawn entered the house and was looking for her sister, she found her on the bathroom floor, curled up in a ball, holding her knees to her, sobbing uncontrollably with a pile of dust on the floor.

"Buffy?" Dawn said in a small voice so as not to scare her sister. Buffy responded by scooting away from Dawn which made her even more worried.

"Is he dead?" Buffy asked in a child-like voice. Dawn didn't know who her sister was referring to so she asked, "Is who dead?"

"Spike," Buffy said still sounding like a small child that had just been scared half to death.

Dawn looks at the pile of dust that she saw when she first entered the bathroom. At first, she thought it was dust on the floor, but now she realizes that it's dust from a vampire being staked.

"He's gone, Buffy, you staked him," Dawn said and took a careful step forward and knelt beside her and that's when she saw the bite marks on Buffy's neck.

Dawn didn't know what to say or do. She was confused, how could Spike harm Buffy because of the chip in his head? Buffy hadn't told anyone except for Tara about the fact that Spike could harm her now ever since she had been brought back from the dead.

Dawn did the only thing she could think of and that was to help Buffy to her feet after doctoring her neck, she took her to her and was about to leave when Buffy said, "Dawn, will you stay with me, I'm afraid to be alone right now."

Dawn doesn't respond, but she walks over and lays down next to Buffy and Buffy responds by holding Dawn close to her like a teddy bear. Dawn doesn't know what happened, but when Buffy is ready to tell she will tell her.

"Goodnight, Buffy," Dawn says and yawns and drifts off to sleep while Buffy is still wide awake with the memory of Spike rapping her still fresh in her mind. How could he claim to love her and then do that to her? Part of her blames herself for leading him for so long, but the other part of her is telling herself that she shouldn't give him any excuses for that because no woman deserves to be raped by a man.


There's a knock at the door of Giles's flat in England and he gets up from his easy chair to answer the door.

When he gets to the door and opens the door, he is surprised by who is standing outside.


"Hello, Uncle Giles."

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