𝔵.imagine: enha as love tropes

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" enhypen members as love tropes "

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" enhypen members as love tropes "

lee heeseung;

SECOND CHANCE!  Y/n stared at her reflection in the mirror, adjusting the delicate lace on her dress. The soft glow of the afternoon sun bathed the room, creating an ambience of warmth and nostalgia. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the whirlwind of emotions. Today was not just her friend's wedding; it was also a reunion with the past she thought she had left behind.

As she entered the venue, the air buzzed with excitement. The scent of flowers mingled with the sounds of laughter and joy. Y/n took her seat, stealing glances at the elegant decorations that adorned the space. Her heart raced as she realized that he would be here too.

In the midst of animated conversations and clinking glasses, the crowd hushed as the bride and groom exchanged vows. Y/n couldn't help but smile through her tears as she witnessed the pure love radiating from her friends. However, her thoughts drifted back to another time, to a love that was once as vibrant as the flowers surrounding her.

As the ceremony concluded, she decided to retreat to a quieter corner, seeking solace in the midst of the celebration. But just as she turned, she collided with a solid figure. Looking up, her eyes met familiar, brown eyes that stirred memories she had tucked away.

"Y/n," he breathed, a mixture of surprise and recognition in his voice.

"Heeseung," she replied, her heart fluttering at the sound of his name. Time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes, the years apart fading away.

They exchanged polite smiles, navigating through small talk about their lives since they had last seen each other. Each word carried the weight of unspoken emotions, and the tension in the air was palpable. A magnetic force pulled them together, prompting them to share stolen glances and lingering touches.

As the night wore on, the celebration continued around them. The dance floor beckoned, and Heeseung mustered the courage to ask, "Would you like to dance, Y/n?"

Y/n hesitated, her heart pounding. She took his outstretched hand, and they swayed to the music, the distance between them evaporating. The world disappeared, leaving only the two of them lost in a dance that echoed a past filled with shared dreams and whispered promises.

The dance ended, but the connection lingered. They found themselves in a secluded corner, away from the prying eyes of the celebration. It was there, under the soft glow of fairy lights, that they bared their souls. They spoke of the pain that had driven them apart, the growth that had shaped them, and the lingering love that time had failed to extinguish.

At that moment, surrounded by the echoes of their shared history, they both knew – some loves were meant to withstand the test of time. The wedding became a catalyst for rekindled feelings, a reminder that the heart had a way of finding its way back to where it truly belonged. As the night ended, they parted ways with a promise to meet again, uncertain of what the future held but hopeful that their journey had come full circle.

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