𝔦𝔵. healing hearts, heeseung

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" healing hearts "

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" healing hearts "

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀IN THE KINGDOM OF DAEHAN, Prince Lee Heeseung was known for his charm, bravery, and penchant for getting into trouble. His escapades, often driven by a reckless desire to protect his people, led him frequently to the door of the royal healer, Y/n. Gifted with the extraordinary ability to heal, Y/n had become Heeseung's favoured companion—not just because of her powers, but for reasons the prince made no secret of.

One evening, the air in the healer's chamber was thick with the scent of herbs and the soft glow of candlelight. Y/n was organizing her collection of potions when the door swung open with a groan. There stood Prince Heeseung, his hand pressed against a bloodstained tunic covering his abdomen.

"I hope you didn't miss me," he said, a roguish smile playing on his lips despite the pain evident in his eyes.

"You're a lovely company, Heeseung. How could anybody not miss you?" Y/n replied, crossing her arms and nodding towards the bed. "Now lie down before you bleed all over my floor."

His gait was strained as he made his way to the bed, groaning in relief as he sank into the soft mattress. "You tell me, darling. I'm not the one who didn't bother coming to see my arrival. Instead, I find out you've chosen poor, sweet Jaeyun over me. Does treason run in the family?"

A smile laced with spite etched across Y/n's face. "The same way vanity runs in yours."

"Snarky little thing, aren't you?" Heeseung narrowed his eyes at her. Leaning back on his hands, he adjusted his posture, his eyes never leaving her as she gathered bandages and disinfectants.

Y/n felt a flush of heat under his intense scrutiny, but she turned any hint of discomfort into an inscrutable expression. "People say it's my best quality," she remarked, kicking a stool between his legs and settling on it. She took her time, knowing Heeseung didn't appreciate messy work, and meticulously began tending to his wounds. "You are a waste of a pretty face with all these gashes."

"You think so?"

"Of course. You get into trouble, you bleed, and you whine about it while I try my best to keep you the vainest, most reckless peacock of all of Daehan," Y/n said, her voice lowering as she focused on healing a stubborn cut on his jaw.

Heeseung hummed in agreement, and Y/n looked up at him, alarmed. Heeseung was a man of reason, and he certainly loved to reason with her whenever she pointed out his rashness. But this time, instead of a retort, he leaned forward with a lazy smile, closing the small gap between them.

The proximity made it difficult for Y/n to concentrate, even more so when Heeseung placed a hand on the side of her stool, caging her in. The soft light of the room highlighted his princely features, and despite herself, Y/n couldn't help but find the combination of his cuts and his defined jawline attractive.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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