𝔳𝔦𝔦. whispers of silent longing, jungwon

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" whispers of silent longing "

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" whispers of silent longing "

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀IN THE HEART OF the small town of Seoul, where quaint houses lined the streets and the scent of blooming flowers filled the air, lived two souls bound by a tale of unrequited love. Y/n was the daughter of the town's florist. Jungwon, a tall and quiet man with a rugged charm, worked at the local bookstore.

Their lives intersected in the most ordinary of ways. Y/n would often visit the bookstore to browse through the shelves, her love for literature rivalling her love for flowers. Jungwon, the bookstore's owner, found himself drawn to her gentle presence, a feeling he couldn't quite explain. Little did they know that the seeds of unrequited love had already been sown, taking root deep within their hearts.

Y/n, oblivious to Jungwon's growing affection, continued to visit the bookstore, losing herself in the world of words. Jungwon, on the other hand, found solace in the stolen glances and the brief exchanges they shared during her visits. He admired her from afar, like a delicate bloom that he was afraid to touch, fearing it might wither under his clumsy fingers.

One fateful day, the town decided to host a summer fair. The streets were adorned with colourful banners, and the air buzzed with excitement. Y/n, adorned in a floral sundress, wandered through the fairgrounds, her heart fluttering with the anticipation of a day filled with joy. Jungwon, too, was drawn to the festivities, hoping to catch a glimpse of Y/n amidst the crowd.

As fate would have it, their paths crossed near a carousel. Jungwon, unable to resist the magnetic pull, approached Y/n with a warm smile. They exchanged pleasantries, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still. Y/n felt a strange warmth spreading through her, a sensation that lingered long after Jungwon bid her goodbye.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but the unspoken emotions between Y/n and Jungwon continued to bloom silently, like flowers waiting for the right time to bloom. Jungwon, haunted by the fear of rejection, hesitated to confess his feelings, while Y/n remained oblivious to the depths of his affection.

One autumn afternoon, the town was blanketed in the golden hues of falling leaves. Jungwon, mustering the courage he had been storing for months, decided it was time to reveal the truth. He invited Y/n to a cosy café, a place where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of cinnamon.

As they sat across from each other, Jungwon gazed into Y/n's eyes, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation. Y/n, sensing the gravity of the moment, felt a strange mixture of excitement and trepidation. The air was thick with unspoken words when Jungwon finally confessed his feelings, laying bare the emotions he had harboured for so long.

Y/n sat in stunned silence, her mind grappling with the revelation. She had never imagined that Jungwon saw her in such a light. Her heart, however, did not echo the same sentiment. The realization dawned upon her – she could not reciprocate the feelings that Jungwon held so dearly.

"I... I appreciate your honesty, Jungwon," Y/n stammered, her eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy and regret. "But I... I don't feel the same way."

The words hung in the air, a heavy silence enveloping the café. Jungwon, devastated yet composed, managed a small nod, acknowledging the painful truth. Y/n, grappling with the guilt of unintentionally breaking a heart, wished she could turn back time and erase the hurt she had caused.

From that day forward, the air in Seoul seemed to carry a bittersweet undertone. Jungwon and Y/n continued their lives, each carrying the weight of unrequited love in their hearts. The quaint town, unaware of the silent tragedy that unfolded, continued to thrive, and the seasons changed as they always did.

In the quiet corners of the bookstore and the fragrant confines of the flower shop, the echoes of an unfulfilled love story lingered, leaving behind a melancholic melody that played softly in the hearts of Y/n and Jungwon. The town, unaware of the unspoken sorrow that coloured their lives, continued to bloom like the flowers in the garden, concealing the untold stories within its charming facade.

 The town, unaware of the unspoken sorrow that coloured their lives, continued to bloom like the flowers in the garden, concealing the untold stories within its charming facade

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double update cuz i felt like rewarding you guys 😌 [also cuz, i couldn't write a story with 2k words XD]

and 6k views!!<33

please don't be a ghost reader! i swear you guys' comments boost my motivation :)

i hope you have a great day/night <33

with love,
Ira ʚɞ

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don't forget to vote & comment !

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