brotherly hatred

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jeremiah's pov

   i wake up the next morning after everything. i throw on a hoodie and head downstairs and smell breakfast, just like mom used to make.
    as soon as i reach the last step, all heads turn to me. i looked at my watch and realized it was already 10am. i've never woken up this late.
    "what did you make?" i ask. conrad ignores me. how could be that mad over something that didn't involve him. but conrad being his nosy self had to make it his problem. he's just jealous belly and i lasted longer.
    i take a seat on the stool next to belly. she was on her phone scrolling through instagram and quickly gets up and heads back upstairs. "jere you really should just go home." conrad tells me. "fuck you conrad." i reply angrily. he grabs me by my hood. "you said you weren't going to hurt her and look what you did, you fucking dumbass!" he screams at me then pushes me to the ground. steven and taylor watched the whole thing go down at the table. "you really messed up." taylor says while going upstairs, probably to find belly.

belly's pov

i went up to my room trying to forget about jere. i heard what happened in the kitchen and i realized conrad really cares. soon after, taylor came in my room. she didn't need me to speak to know something was wrong. she got on my bed and lied down next to me. "how did i let this happen." i cry. taylor just tells me that relationships are a part of life and you are gonna get your heart broken whether you like it or not, it builds character. she always knows how to cheer me up.
   taylor and steven invite me to go on a bike ride, but i'm not feeling it so i stay home. i decide to actually get ready for the day and not let him ruin my summer. i put on a black tank top and some denim shorts. i also put on some mascara and lip gloss. i grab a book and sit in my hanging chair.
    about a half hour goes by and i look up to see conrad standing in my doorway. "hey con, what's up?" i ask while putting my book down. "nothing, just checking to see if your doing alright." he replies. "i'm really sorry, you didn't deserve that." i get up and i give him a hug. "sorry if that was weird, i didn't mean it in a way like that i just really needed a hug." i tell him. "it's okay, i know." he replies. i smile and he sits down on my bed and we talk about school and stuff like that, just like before. before everything got weird. do i miss conrad?
     jeremiah walks by my still open bedroom door and sees conrad in my room. "way to move on, belly." conrad flips him off and he quickly goes to him room.

conrad's pov

    belly and i talk for a while, i really missed talking to her. i can't believe what jere did, i mean, i can because that's the type of person he is. i wanted to warn belly last summer but, i just wanted her to be happy. and jere made her happy.
    i have a plan.
"belly, hear me out."
"i'm listening."
"so what if we pretend to flirt with eachother to make jere angry?"
"that's a good idea but, he's already upset enough."
"who cares, remember what he did to you."
"i'm in."

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