the way i love(ed) you

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conrad's pov

   i wake up to an alarm sound next to me and i quickly turn it off. i get out of bed and open the curtains to hopefully wake up the tired brunette. "belly." i say in her ear. "i don't want to go anymore." she says, with her eyes still closed. "yes you do." i reply. she begins to get up and i look in her closet and find a beautiful blue floral dress. i hold it up and she nods. i leave the room to go get ready.
knock knock.
   belly opens the door. "that dress looks amazing on you." she smiles and does a twirl. i am soon ready and we leave. we take my silver range rover. i put on some taylor swift and belly and i sing along. i know it's corny but it's something we both love. we arrive and the beach and i help belly out of the car. she thanks me and happily runs to taylor. "you guys saw eachother an hour ago." steven says sternly. "steven you don't know what it's like being a girl." taylor says then they run ahead of us laughing. i catch up with steven and we talk.
   we all had so much fun at dinner and steven and i spilt the bill. steven and taylor go home and belly and i decided to walk along the beach. we have a very long talk about our relationship and set some rules. not real rules, just making sure we're both comfortable. "so, are you gonna really ask me out?" belly asks. i stop in my tracks and i go right in front of her. "isabelle conklin, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend?" i ask, smiling. "you're so corny, but, i suppose." she replies. she then gives me a big hug and we walk to the car.
   we arrive home and jeremiah's car is missing from its usual spot on the driveway. we think he must've just gone out so we just go inside. belly gets in the shower and i go to my room.

belly's pov

    i got right in the shower when we got home. the whole shower i thought about how i want everything to go well with conrad. when i was done i turned the shower off to hear lots of yelling downstairs. i couldn't tell if it was conrad or steven but it sounded like a mix of both. "he's gone dad i don't know what to do!" i could tell that was conrad. i quickly got dressed and ran downstairs. "what's going on?" i ask. "jere is gone, all of his stuff, and he's not answering the phone." he replied sounding angry with himself. "this is my fault." i cover my mouth and run back to my room. "belly don-" i slam my door shut before he can finish his sentence. i was so angry with myself. i got so caught up in this relationship that i completely forgot how much i was hurting jere. no, i cant think that way. he made out with a girl and did god knows what else with her while we were together. i let myself fall under his spell when conrad had always cared for me, he would have never done that.
   i tried to call jere a few times, though i was angry at him, i wanted to know where he was.
  "belly? can i come in?" there was a soft knock at my door. "mhm."
   conrad opened the door with a serious look on his face. "jere hasn't answered and his location is off, i was thinking we could drive to my house to see if he's there. i understand if you don't want to come." he explained. "no no, i'm worried too, i'll meet you downstairs in 10." he left the room. i packed a small tote bag with pajamas, some skincare and makeup, and a hair brush.
   i met conrad at the door and said goodbye to steven and taylor.
phone conversation between belly and laurel
belly: mom?
laurel: what's up?
belly: jere is gone, it's a long story but conrad and i are going to the boston house to look for him.
laurel: what do you mean he's gone? what happened? i thought you too were fine?
belly: i have to go now but i'll text you, love you.
laurel: love you, tell conrad to drive safe.

we arrived to the house about an hour later, no sign or jeremiah's car anywhere. conrad went inside first, if jere was there, i don't think he would want to see me. i stood on the porch. "jere?" conrad yelled. after about 5 minutes i went inside.
   "i don't think he's here." conrad said. i gave him a hug. "it's already 11pm we should probably just stay the night." he explained. "good idea. where's your dad?" i asked. "business trip, he's never home."
  i changed into my navy blue silk pajama set and brushed out my long brunette hair. conrad came in the bathroom behind me and began to brush his teeth.
   i lay on my side scrolling though tik tok on my phone when i feel conrad get into his bed next to me. i put my phone in the nightstand and he wraps his arm around around me. "it's so cute and organized in here." i say smiling. "yea, i haven't had the heart to move anything around since mom passed, she always cleaned our rooms even though i told her i could do it." he said, looking sad. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to bring her up."
  "no, it's okay. i like to talk about her. you really remind me of her." "really?" "yea, she taught you well." i laid my head on his chest and we fell asleep.

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