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First off, I just want to thank you for clicking on this book. I started writing this because I fell in love with the warrior series, and I wanted to create a little slice of happiness for myself as well as others.
All of the characters are my own, but most were generated on a clan generator on Google.

The story as well as the plot and prophecy are all mine as well, so please don't use them without permission.

Here are a few things to keep in mind.
I update as I go. It could happen twice in two days, or it could happen maybe twice a week. With work and everything going on, I will most likely be writing whenever I have spare time.

Some of the chapters will be short, while others will be long.

If you would like to make fan-art of my characters, please send me a picture! I love to look at other peoples art and it would make me ecstatic to see how others view my characters.

If you see any spelling errors or mistakes, feel free to point them out and I will fix them.

Again thank you for clicking on my story!

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