🌲Chapter Five🌲

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TW: Mild talk of Gore.


"...have to turn back!"

"....cant- ....run!"

Lake'Feather drifted in and out of consciousness, her mind and body like a whirlpool of sensations that both terrified and angered her.

Her body felt sore and achy, each muscle crying out in pain with each bumb and shake of her body. Lake'Feather tried with all of her might to open her eyes, yet they were too heavy and remained shut. She could hear voices, though they seemed distant and muffled, like they were coming from underwater; the soft whispers of wind and rustle of leaves were distant and hazy.
Her mind became a jumble of fragmented thoughts, like pieces of a puzzle that didn't quite fit together. Memories from the battle flashed within her mind, mixing with dream-like images that showed the cats she once knew with desperation in their eyes. It was like floating in a dream, where fantasy and reality mash together in a complicated dance.

Lake'Feather could feel the warmth of her own breath, and feel the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed along to the drum of her heartbeat. Each inhale felt like a struggle, as if holding onto consciousness by the whisker. She felt so heavy, as if her own weight would cause her to sink deep into the ground.


Time seemed to lose it's grip. It stretched and distorted, causing minutes to feel like hours, and hours to feel like mere seconds. It was as though Lake'Feather was suspended between the waking world, and the world of sleep.


Lake'Feather's eyes shot open and she gasped, taking in air as if the oxygen within her very lungs had disappeared. Her head was pounding. Blurred images of familiar outlines rushed forward, surrounding her and closing in like a cat on a mouse. She let out a distorted yowl and numbly swiped a paw, but she was weak, and her paw only met air. Her paw hit the ground with a light tap and she shut her eyes tightly in an attempt to stop her vision from spinning.

"I'm so happy you're awake," A voice cried, and soon after Lake'Feather felt weight pressing into her side.

"Now hold on, give her some room. She needs time to fully wake up." Another voice meowed. Lake'Feather groaned and slowly peeled her eyes open. This time she was able to see without a wave of nausea crashing over her, and the world didn't spin. Another weight pressed into her side, though this time it wasn't as heavy as before. Groggily looking to the left, she recognized the shivering form of Bramble'paw. His body was littered with fresh wounds, though they were covered in small amounts of broken herbs. He gazed up at her with wide, innocent eyes that screamed so many emotions.

Turning away, she became aware of three other cats she was familiar with. Breeze'fur, a warrior she knew well, Rowan'pelt, another warrior she was acquainted with, and finally Honey'whisker. Honey'whisker is a sparse haired, white tom, with golden eyes. The four toms gazed upon Lake'Feather with worried and anxious expressions, each one of them bearing fresh wounds from the battle that took place at their camp.

"What happened?" Lake'Feather meowed after a moment, her voice hoarse and gravelly. Turning her head to the side she released a few harsh coughs, and when she returned to her previous position she was met with a moss ball; damp with water that she assumed came from the lake on their territory. Lake'Feather greedily lapped at the cool liquid and sighed heavily once she finished.

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