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( real life ! )

"Darling, are you okay? You have been sick the past few days.." Katherine asked her eldest daughter. "I don't know what's wrong, mum.." Jaylah mumbled.

"Is there any chances that you are Max are trying for a baby?" Katherine questioned softy. "Mum! I can't be, I'm not ready!" Jaylah panicked.

"Jaylah sweetie, you and Max are married now. You both are brilliant with children, you will be fine if you actually are. I promise you" Katherine told her.

"Can you go and pick me up a test?" Jaylah asked quietly. "Of course I can, you'll be fine no matter what happens okay?" Katherine said as Jaylah nodded.

When Katherine left, Jaylah made her way back onto the sofa and continued to watch the film she was watching before rushing to the toilet.

She didn't even hear her mother coming back into the room. "Jay, sweetie. I've put them in the bathroom, take them in your own time" Katherine said.

"Thanks mum.." Jaylah mumbled as Katherine kissed her forehead before making her way into the kitchen, Jaylah got up from the couch and made her way into the bathroom.

Jaylah took her test...

( real life ! )


Jaylah went straight to her mother and fell into her open arms. "What if we can't do this mum? Me and Max haven't talked about children yet! I literally got a race this weekend as well!" Jaylah said.

"Darling, I know it's not exactly the best timing. But you both will get through this" Katherine told her. "I have to tell so many people.." Jaylah mumbled.

"I know love, tell them all when you're ready. The secret is safe with me" Katherine told her eldest daughter as she kissed her forehead.

"Thank you mum," Jaylah said with a smile. "Where is Max, anyways?" Katherine asked. "Probably at the headquarters, I wanted to come home for a few days before the next race" Jaylah replied.

"What's going on here?" Jadon asked as him and Jacob entered the room. "Oh, hey Jay! Didn't know you were home!" Jacob added.

"Hey boys," Jaylah said as she looked at her mother. "It's up to you, what you do" Katherine told her as she left the three siblings to go into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" Jadon asked as Jaylah stayed quiet. "Jay, you can tell us!" Jacob added. "I'm pregnant..." Jaylah mumbled.

Big smiles appeared on Jadon and Jacob faces, the pair of them hugged Jaylah tightly. "We're going to be uncles!" Jadon exclaimed.

"This is best news ever Jay! I can't wait to meet her/him!" Jacob added. "It is quite a shock, I haven't told Max yet so please don't tell anyone okay?" Jaylah said.

"We promise Jay!" They both said.

( real life ! )

"Love?! What's going on? There's been so many people asking me why you aren't racing for the rest of the year. What's happening?" Max asked as she entered his drivers room.

"Baby, calm down please. I completely forgot that I told my team to announce it, I only realised I haven't told you anything before it had been announced" Jaylah said.

"What's going on then? Why aren't you racing?" Max asked. Jaylah reached inside her bag and gave Max the test. He instantly got a big smile on his face before hugging Jaylah tightly.

"We are going to be parents?!" Max exclaimed. "I know it's quite a shock, but I think we will handle it.." Jaylah said. "We definitely will" Max said.

"Aye! What's going on you two? Why ain't you racing Jay?" The couple heard from outside but quite a few of the drivers.

"C'mon, let's go tell them!" Max exclaimed.

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