Season2|Episode1:Carta Veritatis

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     The four of us begin to walk inside and we come to a flight of stairs going down and around like a castle tower. We make it to the bottom of the stairs and we come to face this very large room. As we enter we see rows and rows of shelves with books, maps, trinkets, and diamonds. The walls were made of mossy stone. The four of us split up and looked around the giant room that was practically a maze from how many bookshelves there were.But we stayed in the general area. " Hey... Guys?" We all stop what we are doing and see Aiden standing still staring at this giant temple shaped like an ancient Chinese elephant. But it sat and looked human-like. It was made of gold and looked like it would be worth millions. Natali went up to the statue. She whipped her index finger on the gold metal of the statue. "There's no dust. This is an ancient Chinese artifact. It's been around for thousands of years. Someone has been cleaning it regularly." she states. She leans towards the back on the statues and notices something off about the statue. A gold part is sticking out of the elephant statue and she grabs it and it pulls out perfectly like a coin through a coin slot. She pulls out another one of the golden capsule tubes, but writing on it was a different name, Arthur. She examines the golden tube shaped capsule and places it in her pocket. We searched the room a little more before heading up. The dance was over by then so we all went to our rooms and went to bed for the night.

It's the next day and Mia and Aiden get ready for the day and head to their first hour class. Aiden arrives at History while Mia makes her way to geography.

Mia wore a white tank top and pink mini skirt, with gold star earrings, gold star necklace and a gold bracelet

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Mia wore a white tank top and pink mini skirt, with gold star earrings, gold star necklace and a gold bracelet. she also wore her lesbian pride print shoes. Aiden wore a red checkered shirt and white jeans with white shoes.

Natali hid the two capsules, one from the tree and the other from under the library in a small oak wooden chest under her bed where she kept her nic-nacs but took them out when she put the capsules in the chest. After that she makes her way to her first period, economics.

Natali wore a purple top and jeans with gold jewelry, earrings, necklace and bracelet with black flats.

Natali wore a purple top and jeans with gold jewelry, earrings, necklace and bracelet with black flats

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Anthony heads to welding class. he is wearing a plain green shirt with grey sweatpants and black and silver shoes.

Once Aiden enters his class he takes his seat in the second row to the back. Someone sitting behind him whispers his name. He turns around to see Mattheo smiling at him. "Hey." Mattheo says to him. In response Aiden smiles. "Hi," he says. The teacher then starts class." I need everyone to get into pairs of two. Afterwards, I will explain what we are doing. This will be homework!." The teacher explains. Mattheo jumps out of his chair and slides a desk next to Aiden before plopping down in it.

Mattheo wore a light blue shirt with dark blue sleeves on the shirt with a pocket on the from of his chest. her wore black jeans and black shoes.

"Want to come to the football game with me next Monday night?" Mattheo ask Aiden. He has a very happy and enthusiastic tone. " what time is it?" Aiden says a little stressed because he doesn't want to look stupid in front of the boy he likes. " Seven." He says. "Um yeah totally." Aiden smiles awkwardly while speaking with an uncomfortable tone yet flattered tone. " Jack, Oliver and Antonio are gonna be there too" Mattheo says. " oh cool.." Aiden says. Jack, Oliver, and Antonio are Mattheo's best friends. There a click group friendship so Aiden knows he won't be fitting in. " Yeah man, you'll have a great time. The games are fun." Mattheo says. " yeah.. Man." Aiden smiles and chuckles a bit. "Aye that's what i'm talking about!" Mattheo smiles and makes sure to lightly hit his shoulder. " Alright! Your instructions!" The teacher holds up a stack of paper to get everyone's attention. "So your assignment you have with you partner will be homework like i said. You will not finish this in class. Class time does give you a good jump start to discuss with your partner on what you want to do so you have individual time outside of class to work on it. Or you can meet after school, that's a good idea." "The assignment is that you and your partner will each get a historical topic to write about and create about on a poster. I want more pictures than words. You will draw at least 3 pictures describing different parts of your topic and underneath your picture you will describe what it is you drew. Label it. The date and describe important details. You will be graded on that. Your artwork doesn't matter. It will only dock you points if there is no effort in the picture. Like stick figures. No stick figures. I want you to try. If i can tell you really tried then that's perfectly fine and i will not dock you points. Does that make sense? Try your best. You do not need to be an artist to do this assignment. Make sure you label it at the top and put your names on it so I can give you points. Because if your name isn't on it I'll assume you didn't do it and not give you points and grade for this assignment. Today is Monday, October 11th 1999. So this assignment will be due next Monday. The 18th. So I will be handing each of your groups a topic and a book to research your topic on and then you can get going on this assignment." Mattheo and Aiden both look at each other and smile. The teacher then comes around and puts a small strip of paper on Aiden's desk and walks away. Mattheo picks it up and reads it. " Ancient Greece." Aiden rolls his eyes because he isn't the best at keeping up with history lessons. Let alone a huge topic with a lot of information like Ancient Greece. " The posters are sitting on the table up front. Come grab one now or before you leave class." The teacher tells the class. Everyone begins to grab posters and Mattheo quickly gets up and gets one and comes back to sit down with Aiden again. The teacher then came around and handed out a big red history book. " l made sure to give you a topic that is in the book and you can look up in the index." The teacher makes his last announcement of the day. The class begins to work on them, including us. About 5 minutes go by and all Mattheo and I have done is the Title of the poster at the top saying " Ancient Greece." The bells rang and people began to leave class. 'Have a good rest of your day. Remember, due next Monday!" the teacher says loudly. " Hey, want to come over to my house tomorrow after school?" Mattheo asks Aiden. " Yeah of course. Why not today?" Aiden asks. "Because I got Soccer practice. But tomorrow right?" Mattheo says. "Yes of course!" Aiden says. "Sweet. See you later! Matheo says and leaves Aiden alone. "Bye.." Aiden says as he watches him leave.

Later after school Mia takes her stuff out of her locker and puts them in her room. She then makes her way to Natali and her roommates dorm. She knocks on her door and her roommate answers. "Hello?" she says "hi. Can I speak to Natali?" Mia asks the girl. "The names Keke, and yeah, why not." she says. Keki has soft brown skin and curly shoulder length black hair and dark eyes. She then lets Mia in. Mia walks in to see Natali on her bed reading something. Mia walks in slowly and Natali notices her and sets her stuff down and sits up on her bed with a concerned look on her face. "Hey what's wrong?" Mia sits down next to her and starts to cry a little. "Hey mia..." Natali looks at her even more concerned and speaks to her in a soft motherly tone. Natali raps her arms around her and holds Mia in her embrace and hugs her. " It just hurts.." Mia says, crying. "I really loved her, Natali." "ohhh no Hey hey... she wasn't good to you. And it's okay to cry. She was your first love and I completely understand how this feels." Natali says comforting her. " But why her..." Mia says. "Because she isn't your soulmate. God took her out of your life because she wasn't meant for you. He has someone out there who is perfect for you. You just haven't met them yet. Or you have and you just haven't crossed paths in that way yet. You need to grow and love yourself first." Natali tells her. "I wish my pain was over. I wish he could take that too." Mia says. "I'm so sorry you're going through this." Natali says. Natali hugs her tighter. "I really want to be loved." Mia says. "You are. I love you. And so goes Aiden and Anthony and maybe even Mattheo. Mia, we are on our side. We love you." She tells her. "I love you guys too. I just wish it was her who loved me. But I also can't wait to move on because she cheated and she was toxic but so pretty." Mia tells Natali. " I know. Just let it out. I'm here for you" Natali says to her. Natali holds her as night begins to fall. With the sunset out looking over the horizon and the pretty pink skies. You move so far in life that you sometimes have to stop and catch your breath and see where you are. And where I'm at as Mia Callahan is seeing the sunset and pretty pink skies and the smallest amount of cloud in them. Because after the sun sets and a new day begins. I'll move past everything and be a new person for my mental health. And what I mean by move past, I mean Gabi...

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