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Carly takes a pregnancy test cause she was feeling wierd while Carly's in the bathroom awaiting results Freddie is sleeping the test comes back positive Carly wants a second opinion from a doctor

In suspense, Carly anxiously waits for the doctor's appointment, unsure of how her life might change. Meanwhile, she grapples with when and how to share the news with Freddie, uncertain of his reaction. As they navigate this unexpected journey together, their relationship faces new challenges and moments of growth.

Carly, gripping the test results, wrestles with mixed emotions. She decides to confide in her best friend Sam first, unsure of how Freddie will react.

Carly: "Sam, I took the test, and it's positive. I'm not ready to tell Freddie yet; it's so overwhelming."

Sam, supportive: "Take your time, Carls. We'll figure this out. When you're ready, we'll face it together."

Carly, panic evident in her voice, pours her heart out to Sam over the phone.

Carly: "Sam, I just got the results, and I'm not ready for this. It's a whole new world, and I don't know how to tell Freddie. What do I do?"

Sam, reassuring: "Breathe, Carly. We'll figure it out. You don't have to have all the answers now. Take one step at a time, and I've got your back."

Sam, trying to ease Carly's anxiety, suggests a second opinion.

Sam: "Carly, those tests aren't foolproof. Maybe you should get a second opinion before jumping to conclusions. Take a breath, okay? We'll handle whatever comes our way."

Carly, considering Sam's advice, responds.

Carly: "You're right, Sam. I'll schedule a doctor's appointment for a second opinion. I appreciate your support. This is just a lot to process."

Carly, overwhelmed with fear, confides in Sam.

Carly: "Sam, I'm so scared. I'm just not ready for all of this. What if I can't handle it? What if everything changes?"

Sam, offering reassurance, responds to Carly's fears.

Sam: "Carly, it's okay to be scared. We'll face this together. No matter what happens, you're not alone. We've tackled crazy stuff before, and we'll get through this too. Take a deep breath, and let's navigate it step by step."

Carly, torn and seeking guidance, asks Sam about sharing the news with Freddie.

Carly: "Sam, should I tell Freddie? I'm scared of how he'll react, and I don't want to overwhelm him. What do you think?"

Sam, offering her perspective, responds to Carly's dilemma.

Sam: "Carly, honesty's crucial. Freddie's part of this too. I say give him the chance to support you. It's a big deal, but you're not alone in this. Talk to him when you're ready, and we'll be there for you both."

Sam, aiming to comfort Carly, responds to her deeper fears.

Sam: "Carly, you're not your mom. You're your own person, and you've got me and others by your side. None of us have it all figured out, but that doesn't mean you'll fail. We'll figure this out together, okay? You're stronger than you think."

Carly, torn between her own situation and Freddie's struggles, opens up to Sam.

Carly: "Sam, I'm worried about Freddie. He's dealing with Millicent leaving, and now this? I don't want to add more to his plate. How can I burden him with my news right now?"

Sam, understanding Carly's concern for Freddie, offers her perspective.

Sam: "Carly, I get it, but keeping this from Freddie won't protect him. He deserves to know what's going on. Let him in, and we'll navigate all of this together. Trust that he can handle it, just like you can."

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