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In the quietude of the night, Carly and Freddie find peace in each other's arms, embracing the journey ahead with love and shared determination. The future, although uncertain, holds the promise of a new chapter for the couple, bound by their commitment and the prospect of building a family together. As they drift into dreams, the echoes of "I love you" linger, weaving a comforting thread through the tapestry of their evolving story.

Morning arrives, and Carly and Freddie wake up to a new day. Carly realizes the significance of today as she's scheduled to visit the doctor for a second opinion.

Carly: "Freddie, today's the day for the second opinion at the doctor's. I'm a bit nervous."

Freddie, offering support, responds.

Freddie: "You've got this, Carly. I'll be right there with you."

Carly shares that Sam will be joining them for the doctor's appointment and checks with Freddie if it's okay.

Carly: "Sam's gonna come along too. Is that okay?"

Freddie, supportive, responds.

Freddie: "Of course, it's okay. The more support, the better."

Carly expresses her nervousness about the upcoming appointment, and Freddie reassures her.

Carly: "I'm gonna go shower and get ready. I'm so nervous."

Freddie responds, offering comfort.

Freddie: "It's okay to be nervous. This is huge. But no matter what, we're Carly and Freddie."

Carly acknowledges her gratitude for having Freddie.

Carly: "I know, and I'm so lucky to have you."

Freddie smiles, appreciating Carly's words.

Freddie: "We're in this together, Carly. Always."

Carly takes a moment to apologize to Freddie for hiding the news, and Freddie reassures her.

Carly: "I'm sorry for hiding the news from you."

Freddie, understanding, responds with concern.

Freddie: "It's okay, sweetheart. The important part is that we can't have you stressing, especially if you're pregnant. Let's focus on getting through this together."

Carly responds, appreciating Freddie's understanding.

Carly: "Thank you, Freddie. I appreciate your support. Let's face this day together."

Carly heads to the bathroom to get ready for the day, while Freddie makes his way to the living room, anticipating Sam's arrival for the doctor's appointment.

Sam knocks, and Freddie invites her in.

Freddie: "It's open."

Sam enters and asks about Carly.

Sam: "Hey Freddie, where's Carly?"

Freddie informs Sam that Carly is in the shower, preparing for the day.

Freddie: "Hey Sam, she's in the shower getting ready."

Sam responds, acknowledging the information.

Sam: "Cool, I'll wait. How are you holding up?"

Freddie shares his feelings with Sam, expressing concern for Carly and mentioning the revelation about her hiding the news.

Freddie: "I'm okay. I'm scared for her. But I found out she was hiding the news from me, which upset me."

Sam responds, offering her perspective.

Sam: "She probably had her reasons, Freddie. This is a lot for both of you."

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