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The next day Freddie wakes up, noticing Carly's absence, and learns she went to Spencer's apartment, leaving him to wonder about the unresolved conversation and the reasons behind her visit to Spencer.

Carly, standing in Spencer's apartment, hesitates before addressing the conversation.

Carly: "Spencer, can we talk? There's something on my mind, and I don't know how to handle it."

Spencer, ever-supportive, responds to Carly's request to talk.

Spencer: "Sure, kiddo. What's up? You know you can talk to me about anything."

Carly, struggling to find the right words, seeks guidance from Spencer.

Carly: "Spencer, I... I don't even know how to say this. It's complicated, and I'm not sure how Freddie will react."

Spencer, concerned by Carly's hesitation, inquires about the situation.

Spencer: "Uh oh, what happened? Take your time, Carly. I'm here for you."

Carly, hesitatingly revealing the news, discloses a significant life change.

Carly: "I... I me and Freddie are going to be parents."

Spencer, shocked by Carly's revelation, seeks clarification.

Spencer: "Wait, Freddie's going to be a dad? Whoa, that's a big one. How's he taking it?"

Carly, admitting she hasn't told Freddie, turns to Spencer for advice.

Carly: "I... I haven't told him yet, Spencer."

Spencer responds, urging Carly to address the situation.

Spencer: "Carly, you have to talk to him. It's a big deal, and keeping it from him will only make it more complicated. He deserves to know."

Carly, opening up to Spencer, shares her overwhelming fears and stresses.

Carly: "I'm terrified, Spencer. With Mom leaving, Millicent gone, and all the stress, I used that as an excuse to avoid telling him last night. I don't know how to handle all of this."

Spencer, showing a mix of irritation and concern, emphasizes the importance of honesty.

Spencer: "Carly, you've got to tell him. Keeping something like this a secret can make a relationship fail. It's tough, but facing it together is the only way."

Spencer, highlighting potential consequences, stresses the importance of honesty.

Spencer: "If you don't tell Freddie, and he finds out later, it can get rocky. Be honest with him, Carly."

Carly, expressing her conflicting feelings, responds to Spencer.

Carly: "I know, Spencer. I want kids with Freddie, but right now is just not the time. How do I make him understand that?"

Spencer reassures Carly about Freddie's understanding nature.

Spencer: "Freddie is an understanding person, Carly. Just be honest with him. He might surprise you with how he takes it."

Freddie, noticing Carly's absence, texts her with concern.

Freddie: "Hey, where are you at?"

Carly, apologizing for leaving without notice, responds to Freddie's text.

Carly: "I'm at Spencer's. I'm sorry I left without telling you. Can we talk when you're ready?"

Freddie, understanding, agrees to talk when Carly is ready.

Freddie: "Yes, of course. Take your time, Carly. We'll talk when you're ready."

Carly heads to the store, unaware that Freddie decides to go to Spencer's apartment, setting the stage for a potentially crucial conversation between them.

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