꧁ chapter V ꧂

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i met marvel outside a few minutes later. he had a similar outfit, a simple pink coat and a crown to match mine

"you look princely" i giggled, he laughed in response

"you look princessly!"

we walked together to our chariot, marvel had picked up the long train of my dress and was holding it so it wouldn't drag. i'd come to like marvel; the few times we've talked, he's been so kind and we get along great! it's nice to have a friend in the games. we met cashmere beside our chariot, her bright smile greeting us as she eyed our costumes.

"you two look absolutely wonderful," she gushed, "the pink suits you both"

marvel and i smile, thanking her as she hugs us and helps us into our chariot. i glance over at nefera, who is checking her watch, and she meets my eye. she gave me a 'look' that told me that it was time to put on a show. i scanned the loading room, taking in the other tributes. district 5 stuck out to me, both tributes sporting moon shaped headpieces and shimmering silver tunics. i smiled at the red headed girl, finch, and she reciprocated with a soft grin. i was jolted out of my sightseeing when the horses in front of the chariot began to move. i looked at marvel and he smiled back at me, his eyes wide with excitement.

screams and cheers echo around me. colorful faces and bright eyes smile back at me as i watch the crowd in awe. i could feel my smile growing wider, and i blew kisses the the crowd. i was met with screams and fainting and reciprocated kisses and all the roses i could imagine. i glanced down at my dress and watched as it flew behind me, like a beautiful pink cape. the way the wind caught it made it seem fake. i felt a warmth around my hand and i look over to see marvel raising my arm up. he winks at me and smiles as we both turn back to the front, faces brighter than the sun.

"the royalty of the capitol!" i hear caesar chant over the loudspeaker, "a darling presentation by the beautiful juliette belcourt and the handsome marvel sanford!"

at the mention of our names, the crowd somehow grew even louder. i felt as though my ears would burst from the noise surrounding me. it couldn't possibly get any louder, i think.

it does

i lose about another 80 decibels of hearing as a fiery figure appears on the megaton before me. district 12, dressed in black bodysuits and flaming fire capes, makes their way in the line. they both looked awfully nervous, and i couldn't help but feel bad for the young girl, primrose.

my thoughts were interrupted when the chariot stopped abruptly, almost flinging me forward if it wasn't for marvel catching my waist at the last second. i giggled with the crowd as a booming voice took over my thoughts.

president snow.

it took everything in me to keep my demeanor calm. i was standing in front of the most powerful man panem has ever known.

he was even uglier in person.

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"i hardly listened to a word he said" marvel whispers to me as we ride our chariot back to the dock. I smile and wave to the crowd once more as i reply.

"good, it was boring at best"

i blow one final kiss as we disappear from the crowds eye, my smile dropping in exhaustion as soon as we're away. i glance up at marvel but something behind him catches my eye.

a boy dressed in gold.

his stinking blue eyes met mine as he took off his roman helmet and pushed his blonde hair back. it felt like hours that i was staring at the golden boy; who i recognized from the reaping recaps. cato grins at me slyly, with that same cocky look that i see from the boys at my school. rolling my eyes internally, i realize he's no different than your average overconfident blonde. i look him up and down, shooting him a slight smile as i turn my attention back to marvel, who is untangling his hair from his crown.

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that want the last time i saw the golden boy that night. my eyes met his as he stepped into the elevator with me. his cologne hit me like a brick wall as he leaned against the wall close to me. my eyes shot down from his the second that sly, cocky smile snuck back on his face, but i could still feel cato's eyes watching me. it felt like hours sitting there staring at the numbers tick upwards and feeling cato's eyes searching my. the elevator dinged when it arrived at my floor and i took a step, ready to get far away from this boy and his staring problem, when a arm reached in front of me and presses the button to close the doors.

"excuse me, can i help you?" i say, obviously annoyed.

"you were looking at me earlier" cato says with a cocky tone, so blatantly full of himself.

"great observation," i sneer, "now if you'll excuse me-"

"slow down, princess"

i freeze, "what did you call me?"

"i called you princess. you're dressed like one-" he grins, reaching toward my tiara. i swat his hand, looking up at him and realizing just how big our height difference was.

"and you're dressed in a golden skirt. goodnight." i press the button to open the door and step out, but something told me to glance back. cato met my eyes, drowning me in their hypnotic blue. i part my lips slightly, letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding.

"you're blushing" cato says just before the doors close and cut us off. i can do nothing but stand there, looking at where he stood just a moment ago. i could feel my cheeks get even warmer and i couldn't help but smile.

"nice skirt"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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