chapter 3

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After about a week Kaitlyn realized she wasn't really into Alton,but she did notice how Jacob would laugh at her jokes,and how he was quiet and shy. Jacob was half Mexican like Lori about Kaitlyn's height but a bit taller and he had short brown hair and dark brown eyes. She didn't really know how she felt about  him or he felt about her,but everyday around him they got more flirty and she started getting butterflies which she wasn't use to. At lunch that day Auora was talking about Jacob she said "I think Jacob's so cute Kaitlyn just look at him don't you he's cute and think hes cute?" Kaitlyn was annoyed even more with her then usual, she thought "how would she even get a guy like Jacob she's not pretty or funny or normal?!" Kaitlyn held back her mean thoughts and just changed the subject hoping she'd  change her mind.  

A couple of days later Auora told Kaitlyn she had asked out Jacob. Kaitlyn was furious, in her head and thought "how desperate can she be to ask out a boy boys are supposed to ask you out" then thought "She's ugly so probably does not get asked out by guys." Instead of showing her anger Kaitlyn simply asked "what did Jacob say and how'd you do it?"  Auora responded "I wrote a note asking him but he said no". Then before Kaitlyn could say anything else Auora said "I also asked if I could tell people we are dating and he said no to that too,he also said he likes someone else but wouldn't tell me who." Kaitlyn thought god this girl must be crazy,she's crazy desperate weird and ugly and i'm gonna try avoiding her as much as i can or people will think the same of me. Kaitlyn replied "oh wow that sucks" then they went about their day. 

The next day Auora came up to Kaitlyn in PE and started talking about Jacob yet again but instead of changing the subject when Auroa said "Kaitlyn don't you think Jacobs just so cute?" Kaitlyn agreed and said " yeah I didn't want to say anything since u liked him,but i have had a crush on him for a while." Auroa looked shocked and a bit annoyed and just said "oh". After that they didn't talk much Kaitlyn was relieved beyond extent and sat with her friend Hanna since she didn't know lori or kayla's friends. Kaitlyn started flirting with Jacob even more in all their classes that they had together including PE. Auora and kaitlyn didn't hang out in PE anymore or at lunch so when Auora saw them flirting at lunch it was a surprise to her. Kaitlyn knew Auora saw them flirting but kaitlyn thought "she needs to move on he doesn't like her and it's not like we were close friends anyways" 

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