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Stiles and his best friend get turned into supernatural creatures but, scott gets turned into a werewolf. Gotta read to see what stiles turns into \^^/

This is set from season 1 to 5  kinda I'm making stiles 17 in the beginning because I can it's not gonna make sense because he's 15 in season 1 but likeeee I've got a silly story planned so ya

So they are going to technically be in season 5 era but I'ma move things along faster I'm sorry if this sucks

Kira doesn't exist because I just think she wouldn't be important in my story sorry to people who love her, Allison is alive maybe....

Softy Derek sorta only for his sister and someone else maybe. Hale fire happened.

Peter isn't a complete dick. Sorta :)

Lots of changes
Okay you can start reading 👍🏼

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